stcicking with guild wars :)


New Member
so i have decided not to get final fantasy xii but instead to stick with guild wars. With so many things going on right now there is no way i can spend mass amounts of time on two games. I was raving about final fantasy but then i decided to get my priorites straight. From that i am cutting my video games down to one and the main reason i chose guild wars was because of the ministry oppurtunity it provides. Its starting to be about time i focus on my future and what i am going to do for the rest of my life, and one of those things is ministry, that is indeed why i am going to a bible college. Guild wars provides me with an oppurtunity to minister to people in something that i love to do. So hopefully you will see me more often and more active from now on.
Guild wars provides me with an oppurtunity to minister to people in something that i love to do. So hopefully you will see me more often and more active from now on.

Fantastic! :) A man who puts God and family first in life and devotes enough time in those areas can fully and completely enjoy the more limited time he spends doing other stuff. I look forward to spending more time with you in-game, and I stand ready to support your personal online ministry in any way I can.
