Active Member
I wish I had better news to report from the leadership but this is going to be a somewhat sad post. Unless there are some committed players that want to step up to officer and leader positions, I am unsure if the chapter can keep on going.
Too many players have hit 50 only to never login again. There are many reasons for this, but the biggest one is that we are not having that much fun at 50. Personally I just don’t feel motivated to log in anymore and that is not a good place for a co-leader to be. I know that others in leadership are in the same boat.
I ask that if anyone is enjoying the game and realistically sees them staying around for a while to consider stepping up and taking a leadership position. TagTarsis (the other co-leader) and I will be available to help you get situated and pass on what responsibilities need to be taken over.
We still have nights where 10+ people will log in, but there is no direction right now for them. Those of us at 50 have been waiting for new players to reach 50 and help them get geared up. Unfortunately, too many get to the end and lose interest. This leads to an endless cycle with the current 50s sitting around in town waiting in long queues for something to happen. It is not for a lack of content, but that you need full groups and it really needs to be in-guild since the queues are so long otherwise.
Anyways, this is what it is, I have put out the call, please chime in with your support if you want to see Reborn keep going forward. Even if you do not want to hold a leadership position please post your excitement about the game so others can get a feeling for what to do.
God Bless,
Too many players have hit 50 only to never login again. There are many reasons for this, but the biggest one is that we are not having that much fun at 50. Personally I just don’t feel motivated to log in anymore and that is not a good place for a co-leader to be. I know that others in leadership are in the same boat.
I ask that if anyone is enjoying the game and realistically sees them staying around for a while to consider stepping up and taking a leadership position. TagTarsis (the other co-leader) and I will be available to help you get situated and pass on what responsibilities need to be taken over.
We still have nights where 10+ people will log in, but there is no direction right now for them. Those of us at 50 have been waiting for new players to reach 50 and help them get geared up. Unfortunately, too many get to the end and lose interest. This leads to an endless cycle with the current 50s sitting around in town waiting in long queues for something to happen. It is not for a lack of content, but that you need full groups and it really needs to be in-guild since the queues are so long otherwise.
Anyways, this is what it is, I have put out the call, please chime in with your support if you want to see Reborn keep going forward. Even if you do not want to hold a leadership position please post your excitement about the game so others can get a feeling for what to do.
God Bless,