Starting a Missionary Guild


New Member
After being a member of a Christian Alliance for over two years, inspiration struck me. What if a group of Christian gamers banded together to form a guild, then invited non-Christian members into their midst? If done carefully enough, the members could be witnessed to slowly, so as to avoid scaring them off.

In this way, the Christians could "plant seeds" in the other members, and could be there should the seeds needed nourishing, the Christians would be there to help them grow.

After praying and talking to people, I have decided to attempt to bring this plan into action.

But it would be difficult to do it alone. If anyone feels led to help me with this endeavor, I would greatly appreciate the help.
Or, perhaps you are happy with the guild you are in. It would still be a great help if you prayed for me and my guild, or allowed me to contact you in-game if I needed help answering difficult questions, etc.

Either way, it would be a great help to me.

The biggest thing that strikes me is your an officer in [FoG] and feel that your recruiting has brought in more undesirables than actual Christians. Just wondering if you make this 'new' guild and then how will you promote this guild..even tho it is "secretly" Christian,and sorta maybe we can speak of Jesus but...for the most part..ssshhhh don't let them know upfront so they will actually play the game with me.

Hmmmm, I can't see it prospering. I can see that it could cause YOU to stumble with them bring the world to your feet and you standing right in the middle of it hiding Jesus and trying to pretend to be someone your not.

What are your plans?
I think I agree with Kyrel. Taking your 'missionary' metaphor - it seems that you should find an existing non-Christian guild (maybe the worst you can find) - join them (or infiltrate) - and be your Christian self - then see what influence you can have.

Of course, that would mean leaving your Christian guild - but you could always come back as a guest (on furlough) or team up with a bunch of like-minded friends and be refreshed.

It is good that you are thinking about how to touch lives within the guild structure. Keep sharing your ideas.
"standing right in the middle of it hiding Jesus and trying to pretend to be someone your not"
I figured it was more along the lines of the song... "They will know we are Christians by our Love, by out Love..." not a "Hiding Jesus" sort of thing. And I wouldn't really have to act any different. I could just "Be myself." When an opportunity arose to share the good news more directly, I could do it.

And about what Abba San said- I suppose that could be a good way to go... but if I made the guild, I would get to set the rules. You know, the good, old-fashioned "No Swearing in the Guild Chat" and suchlike.

Plus, if I had the right kind of help, those who wanted to come to Christ, need prayer, or need encouragement would be able to talk to us.
If I joined a different guild, it would be difficult to do more than witness. I can't be on 24/7, and I can't help protect them from others. With help, any questions they had could be answered, and the guild would be a safe place for them to go.
What about your current guild/alliance chat guidelines? What about the guild you're already in being a safe place for them to be? Sometimes you don't have to be "technically" Christian to get into some of the guilds in the alliance, but you have to be mature and be respectful - whether that means you're seeking to find out more about the whole God-thing (or Jesus-relationship), or you want a very family friendly place to be..... your current guild and alliance will still be able to fulfill most of your GW-Missionary-passions. Plus, you don't have to infiltrate or create a guild... I think the best way to work with your passions right now is to just randomly help other people ingame and in pug's (pick up groups) with people inside AND outside the alliance.
So - you are talking about starting a 'seekers' guild? - "Those who wanted to come to Christ, need prayer, or need encouragement would be able to talk to us." It seems like people actually seeking Christ, prayer or encouragement would seek out a Christian guild.

I'm not trying to say you shouldn't do it - or that it is a bad idea. You put it out there and I'm just trying to help think it through.

The church of the 40's - 50's - 60's - and 70's used to be kind of like that - "here we are - come and get it if you want it." That was okay when we lived in a culture where people went to church on Sunday morning. That changed. The church had to get outside it's box and comfort zone, and go where the hurting and needy were.

The Christian guilds in ToJ perform a very useful function - they provide a relatively safe environment for Christians to play in. Everyone admitted at least professes to be a Christian and agrees to play by the rules. Maybe there is a place for a Christian guild that does not require you be a Christian to join. (You don't have to be a Christian to come to our church - and most usually don't even know the rules when they first come.)

It seems to me you might try an experiment before forming a guild: Get a few guild members to go with you as the base for a PUG - with a couple of slots open for whoever might be in Lion's Arch. Love them ("plant seeds") as you complete a mission or quest - and ask if you can add them to your friends list. Just see where it goes. Maybe they will wonder where they can meet other gamers like you. Kind of like in real life.

Just an idea.
I don't think you quite understand me. I'm not going for a 'seekers' guild. They wouldn't join the guild for the above list, but if eventually that's what they wanted, we would be there. In a PUG you could do some quick chatting, but you woudn't have much of a chance for more than that. Especially if it was to do one of the more difficult and fast-paced missions.

For now, I'm going to stop defending my ideas and see what God has to say about it. It doesn't matter what I think if his plan is different. If you could help me with that part of my mission, it would be nice.