
Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
yeah i need a good bunker warz partner or matrix or a lurker def, anyone post here. btw if u have final fantasy murder mystery map, plz let me dl, its my fav.
I don't have any of those maps but I play sc quite often. My sn is MaxX(BT) in us east, and I'm usually in clan bt) channel.
umm i dont exactly know how to use friend list but i'll hang out there hope to run into ya.
/f add = add someone
/f list = show all friends and where they are
/f msg =send message to all friends
Currently Tribe of Judah's StarCraft is on the run again! As soon as we get our websites straight, we'll organize a tourny or something fun. Jus posting a good news of our chapter's return
lol, well i would be interested in the turneys, as long as i dont have to be in a clan. and ccgr i'll help u get better if u just add me to friend list
u guys are always welcome in the tourneys that we will be making. We are just in the beginning stage, but we'll try getting everything done ASAP. Currently, I'm thinking about making our own map to play on.. like a 3v3 tourney map. I hav a good map makin util and it'll work perfectly. I'll notify u guys if we get it done.
"I own the game now...that doesn't mean that I'm good at it"


You're all welcome in op bt) channel (us east) if anyone questions you, say you're a friend of MaxX(bt). black talons website

cheryl, send me an im if you wanna play anytime
neat new avator maxx. any new people i would gladly show u a few things on the internet, im atown(BT)