Starbucks, My New Favorite Place to Write


New Member
So I went to Starbucks today for a change of scenery, and I read more of my book and made more profound discoveries than I have ever done before. What is it about Starbucks that makes it such a good working environment?
Since I've started driving back from Tuscaloosa AL to Atlanta GA every Monday night, I've gotten in the habit of grabbing a coffee on my way out of campus so I can stay alert during a drive that sometimes takes me past midnight.
I get the coffee from a coffee shop located inside the library where I take my classes...pretty sure they get it from Starbucks. Ain't no ordinary joe, you can smell how nicely roasted it is and there are always at least three varieties available every night. In any case, I have been amazed how 'creative' I have become during my drives. This stuff not only keeps me awake, it puts my brain in overdrive. Too bad I can't write while I drive. Or do classwork. Or compose music. At least I can listen to audio books and rant to myself how I would have written this or that differently, or done something different with a character or scene. Yea, that's fun. So...who do I get to critique next? :)

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Too bad I can't write while I drive. Or do classwork. Or compose music. At least I can listen to audio books and rant to myself how I would have written this or that differently, or done something different with a character or scene.

I'm in that same perdicerment. I wish so much that I could write while I drive. If I had loads of money, I'd change my steering wheel into a keyboard that interacted with a HUD that would show my book. It'd be awesome. But alas, I am not yet a millionaire...

Ranting will have to do.
get a voice recorder and talk ur ideas and "write" into that, then when you get home play it back and put it on paper/computer.

i am so smart! i am so smart! S-M-R-T! S-M-R-T!