Star Wars 7 Cast....

I don't know anyone aside from the the Real trilogy cast.

You should see the angst on the SWTOR forums over how Lucas Arts/Disney are treating the "expanded universe."
Its pretty cool they were able to get the original cast back, though Im not surprised. Its also very exciting that John Williams is coming back :D
I'm really quite excited for this. I know some people didn't like the prequel trilogy, but I liked it. These new movies should be awesome too!
At this point I'm pretty sure anything they do will be better than those prequels....gag.

I'm really quite excited for this. I know some people didn't like the prequel trilogy, but I liked it. These new movies should be awesome too!

If the first three episodes had come out first, I think they would have been considered block buster/seminal works in SciFi. However, since they had come out after the first three movies had been elevated to classics, they couldn't compete. The fact that Lucas twisted the back story a little and then re-edited the esp IV, V and VI to fit the new back story didn't help either. I still want to edit out every reference to midichlorians.
I remember when Episode 1 came out. I was working at a casino and after work (around 3am) two friends and I went to West Edmonton Mall to line up for tickets. That is the first and last time I will ever line up for tickets. I was so disappointed in EP1 that I didn't even go to see EP2 on opening night. I only went to see it after a friend saw a clip of the yoda/dooku battle. EP2 and 3 are ones I can live with but EP1 is definitely the one I might skip if when my kids are old enough to watch the original movies and the prequels. Heck I might just watch 4-6 with them and let them discover 1-3 on their own.
I remember when Episode 1 came out. I was working at a casino and after work (around 3am) two friends and I went to West Edmonton Mall to line up for tickets. That is the first and last time I will ever line up for tickets. I was so disappointed in EP1 that I didn't even go to see EP2 on opening night. I only went to see it after a friend saw a clip of the yoda/dooku battle. EP2 and 3 are ones I can live with but EP1 is definitely the one I might skip if when my kids are old enough to watch the original movies and the prequels. Heck I might just watch 4-6 with them and let them discover 1-3 on their own.

Jar Jar Binks. Midichlorians. "Yippie!" Those three things sum up my biggest complaints about The Phantom Menace. I would love to edit together the battle between Darth Maul and Obi Wan and Guigon and just watch that over and over...
Oh man, Jar Jar was one of my favorite characters. Him using his tongue to grab food, then having it grabbed by Qui Gon still cracks me up. I enjoyed the movies but not as much as episodes iv-vi. I saw the first movie eleven times in theaters and drive ins. Couldn't afford to do that today.
Oh man, Jar Jar was one of my favorite characters. Him using his tongue to grab food, then having it grabbed by Qui Gon still cracks me up. I enjoyed the movies but not as much as episodes iv-vi. I saw the first movie eleven times in theaters and drive ins. Couldn't afford to do that today.

Midichlorians were a plot device so that the Jedi could "measure" a young force sensitive's force potential. It allowed them to say unequivocally, Anakin's count was off the charts. It provides more concrete data rather than one Jedi mumbling, "I sense the force is strong in this one." That being said, it was a stupid, stupid move on Lucas' part (though not nearly as stupid as a certain Gungan who shall remain nameless).

To be perfectly fair, much of the acting and dialog from the original trilogy is just as painful as the prequel. Though I think the biggest flaw of the prequel was that it didn't effectively convey what it set out to do. It didn't appropriately explain Anakin's fall to the dark side. It felt that one moment he was fighting for the light side and the very next he was slaughtering children.

My eldest son has been slowly working through the original trilogy with me (just finished Return of the Jedi) before I show him the prequel. He knew most of the story beforehand (so much for the major twist) so watching the prequel wouldn't have ruined anything. I'm more concerned with watching the fast-paced action and swirling lightsabers and then trying to move to the much slower (and less flashy) original 3. I expect he will like the prequel better for that very reason.

I, personally, enjoyed the prequel for the character development of Obi Wan. He remains one of my favorite characters of the series.
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Totally agree about Obi Wan - I've always loved Ewan's work and he just can't do flat acting. Just like how Ford was the stand out from 4-6.
It's too bad Hayden Christensen was paired up so closely with Ewan. His acting may not have seemed so lifeless if not for that.

"If your not with me then you are my enemy!" ...I suppose the terrible dialogue didn't help his case either. I cringe everytime I hear that line.
Ewan McGreggor did a wonderful job as Obi-Wan. He even got some of the character querks that Guinness used in A New Hope (twirling his beard for instance). I agree that the pairing with Christensen was bad. Christensen isn't a BAD actor, but next to McGreggor he looks like a local rep hack. That and the writing. Attack of the Clones made the incarnation of ultimate evil into some whinney snot nosed little emo teen.

On an interesting side note, I've been watching the cartoon series The Clone Wars. That show actually delves more completely into Anakin's fall than the movies do.
Random thought provoked from reading this thread: Disney is all about the princesses, Leia is a princess, now that Disney owns Star Wars does that make Leia a Disney Princess O.o ?

Also Sir Alex Guinness was one of my favorite actors and is not easily replaced. His acting was excellent in everything I've seen him in. Tinker, Tailor, Solider Spy (boobs warning if you go to watch it otherwise it's good), The Man in the White Suit, Scrooge, Kind Hearts and Coronets, The Ladykillers, The Lavender Hill Mob. etc. Oh yes he was a Christian too.

/end random.
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