Anyone else have beta keys?
I've got another spare I had snagged for my wife, but she doesn't seem interested in the game (which is not surprising, considering I wasn't that interested in the game). Send me a PM and I'll send it along.
I've got another spare I had snagged for my wife, but she doesn't seem interested in the game (which is not surprising, considering I wasn't that interested in the game). Send me a PM and I'll send it along.

Its okay, Joshinator gave me one.

Thank you, Joshinator.

Though, I had problems before, wrong numbers. :o

Well, I played it, its pretty cool.
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corp... I misread the key... Lol. I had to copy and paste it from the original place. I took a screenie of it and typed it in the first time...
Blah... Felt a lot like an unpolished City of Heroes. Although I liked CoH, so once this gets a bit more polished it could be good. Although it was laggy and really kind of slow. :| I only played for a few minutes though, I'll give it a longer whirl tomorrow.
I grouped with Keero, Gator Missile, and tonight and my experience...well, it didn't change my opinion.

This is still a game that isn't bad, but it also isn't so fun as to warrant $15 a month. The lag certainly hurts the overall presentation (even though it's an open beta in name and a stress test in practice), but the controls (both camera and movement) feel awkward, I felt like I was fighting the camera half the time during space battles, and losing half our party (Keero and Gator) in the middle of a fight with multiple ships didn't help.

Again, if you're a Star Trek fan or looking for a new sci-fi MMO, then check it out once there's a free trial publicly available.

As for me, I know that no matter how far I run, no matter how many MMO betas I play, and no matter how much I want it to be true...WoW is still my top contender for a paid MMO.

I can see how the space battles in STO could be fun, but the awkward controls sap the fun right out of it. I'd love to find a game that's essentially a MMO take on the old space exploration games (most notably, Starflight), but I don't think this is it--not yet. It's still open beta and too soon to tell. Most MMOs don't truly shine until 3-6 months after retail release or until after the first expansion pack.
As much as Tek7 is agree-able, my reason is the constant repeating missions.

I've played a mission 3 times, its so annoying when its been done, they ask again! :(

Either I did not go through its mission steps or it is a bug.

Doesnt matter, Im done with it! :mad:
Starflight was full of win! (of course I was 14 when I played it last)
Floppy disk and a keyboard, woot!
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Starflight was full of win! (of course I was 14 when I played it last)
Floppy disk and a keyboard, woot!
I played the Genesis port of Starflight, then played Starflight II on the PC years later.

Fun stuff.
If I ever get around to it, I may give this game a shot, but there's so much on my plate gaming-wise that it's unlikely that I will.

If anyone should happen to need a key, I have one extra that I can give, just PM me if you want it.
While the game failed to beam up some members, I can say that after you get your new ship, the wait was worth it. As a Science Vessel (USS Covenant), I can regenerate allies' shields, syphon power from enemy ships (with cool blue space dust graphics!), bolster my own defenses, disable enemy subsystems (weapons, shield, speed) or even scramble an enemy fleet into attacking each other!! That's always fun and gives you a little breathing room. It's like playing a Mesmer and Monk from Guild Wars, and yet having the best shields in the game. And this is only the starting levels. :D

Green dust = enemies hitting each other. Fun to see 3 Escorts and 2 massive Battleships blasting each other to space scrap. xD

And some purdy graphics.

Still about a week left for beta, I suggest those on the fence give it a try. :)

Edit: does have a preview of the game too if anyone is looking to see what it plays like.
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Lifetime subscription 230 smackaroos worth it? Thoughts

At 1st glance this seems a good deal as reg subscription discounted is 119.00 for a year. But if say all go the lifetime there will be no new influx of money for more 2 cents...
Other games have successfully used the lifetime subscription. Lord of the Rings Online is the biggest title that comes to mind. The nice thing is that they get the BIG influx of money up front... so if they use it properly, can invest in the expensive hardware that keeps the game lag free, logins aren't blocked out, etc. This keeps the userbase happy, and more of your monthly subscribers in the mix.

Plus, if you keep the lifetime subscription option open (even if you remove the option to start with a Borg skin), you'll have the users that subscribe for a period of time, and see that they'll probably play long enough to make it worthwhile. They still have to pay each time you release an expansion, so they still keep paying periodic fees... but the company has the benefit of the monthly fee AND the lifetime sub.

Personally, I wish I would have purchased the lifetime sub on LOTRO much earlier than I did - I wasted hundreds of dollars on monthly subs, now I have free access to the game (meaning I can be more casual and not feel guilty about it) and cane take breaks... which also means that I'm not contributing to heavy server loads as often. It really is a win for me and for them.

As far as ST:O is concerned, I'm not sure that I'll subscribe at all, much less a lifer-sub. The game is interesting, but already seeming to get a little dry. For an MMO, there doesn't seem to be much content that requires me to actually play with anyone else... just near them. Interesting idea - I'm not required to camp spawns for 45 minutes while everyone comes in and killsteals the one NPC I need to kill... as long as I hit it, I get credit for the kill. THAT is a very nice change.
I'm playing now. Haven't joined any Fleet yet, though. Just a Lieutenant 4 trying to feel my way through the skills progression. I totally gimped my character by not realizing that you could SCROLL on the Skills page. So every point I have is in Starfleet Training (oops). I'm an Engineering Officer, planning on choosing a Science vessel for many of the same reasons mentioned above. The ground combat is pretty much a joke and lame, but the space combat/exploration/reseach portions of the game (which are the majority) provide some great tactical enjoyment. I'm planning on sticking with STO for quite some time.
I'm playing now. Haven't joined any Fleet yet, though. Just a Lieutenant 4 trying to feel my way through the skills progression. I totally gimped my character by not realizing that you could SCROLL on the Skills page. So every point I have is in Starfleet Training (oops). I'm an Engineering Officer, planning on choosing a Science vessel for many of the same reasons mentioned above. The ground combat is pretty much a joke and lame, but the space combat/exploration/reseach portions of the game (which are the majority) provide some great tactical enjoyment. I'm planning on sticking with STO for quite some time.

I agree.

I prefer the Space battles/Exploration.

Collecting anomalies is cool too. Has special items for certain anomalies.

I might get the game later.

See if I can afford the Subscription.