Spreading the word


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have been working a lot the past few weeks so I have not seen many of you much, but at the same time while at work when I have a chance I have been spreading the word about Christians playing WoW.

Forgive me for jumping into this without permission from the guild masters of the guilds that I have been promoting. I got the Idea while working nights and have run with it.

I am the one that told Stormfury about us. ( Hugs Stormfury )
So you can see I started this about a week or so ago... lol... the days and nights are all running together so forgive If Im mixed up about dates and times. Working graveyard shift does that to me.

This is close to what I am now posting on all kinds of gamming sights.
Hello everyone

I’m so glad to find your wonderful site. I wanted to let anyone interested to know about the growing Christian guilds playing WoW.

So if your thinking of maybe playing WoW but not sure about it, I wanted to let you know that there are already established guilds and they cover about every aspect of the game, from Player verses player guilds to Player verses the Environment guilds. To Role-playing guilds.

Here is my list so far.

1. REDEEMED guild on Stonemaul server Alliance. PvP.
( I play here so I can tell you a bit about them )
REDEEMED is one of the biggest Christian guilds I have seen with a strong love for the Lord and some of the best high level End content players around.

2. The Narrow path guild on Thunderhorn server Alliance and Horde. PvE.

3. HIS guild on Emerald Dream server Alliance, Role-Playing PVP
( I also play here so I can tell you a bit about them too )
HIS is more of gathering of friends just having fun and fellowship.

4. The Forgiven guild on Terenas Server (Alliance PVE)
Player verses environment
I don’t have a homepage for them but they do use the forums at

By the way if you have never checked out the Tribe of Judah Its a great place to meet other Christians to play all kinds of on-line games. the address is http://www.toj.cc/

I hope this Information Is helpful to some of you.

God Bless you all and hope to fellowship / play games with you sometime

Ok guys let me know what you think ? :confused: If you want me to stop advertising your guild just let me know or better yet give me a short advert I can cut and paste and I will advertise just what you want me to say. ( I think that would be best )

Also I have been searching the WoW forums for awhile and writing down names of people that were either looking for a christain guild or wanting to start one ( I think I have about 40 or so names with servers and what side they play on Horde or Alliance) I put the list somewhere I just have to find it. But I am going to TRY ( "repeat" try this is a big task )and re-type the list and visit every server and send In-game tell or mail of what I have typed above or what you Guildmaters give me so I can let them know we exist and would love to have them be part of who we are.

Ok Guildmaster's send me your message you want me to put out for others to see but please remember to keep it short and to the point. ( Does cut and paste work in WoW mail "Ctrl C and Ctrl V" I have never tried It yet.)

Oh by the way my wife Is having surgery on the 18th so I may be too busy even though I will be home for about 7 days. ( I am about to find out what its like to care for the whole family, somthing my wife has been doing for years with no complaints ) Pray for me , I will need It.
Nope, i think it sounds awesome and want to extend my thanks for helping us all in this community out. Very nice!
Copy \ paste doesn't seem to work really well in WoW. There has got to be a mail addon that does something similiar to what you are looking for. Check www.curse-gaming.com, look for their addons page, its massive, hosting hundreds if not a thousand addons.
awesome job boazz. it is amazing how many people are seekinh christian guilds to be a part of. I met someone in narrow path who was thrilled as pie that someone started a christian guild on emerald dream. He had been waiting for one in hopes the Lord would hook his character up there. Guess he did :). I also have a couple ads on some guild listing sites advertising HIS.
I pray everything goes smoothly with your wife tomorrow. As far as emailing tools, I know of a mass email mod that is part of CT Mod. Hawk has it in the mod package on 7F forums:


The problem is that contacting those on other servers will require you to have at least 30 copper for each message. So once you have the message compiled if we want to break up the work over several of us, lets start asking for volunteers. Someone will have to create a character long enough on the server in question to make 30 copper for each recipient on the server.

It would also be helpful for volunteers to list the Server and Faction you are sided with as we might identify players that already have characters on some of the servers you are targetting.

I would like to help with so here are the servers I am on:

Realm - Faction
Stonemaul - Alliance
Cenarius - Horde
Kel'Thuzad - Horde

If you could add Mustard Seed Conspiracy on Cenarius server Horde Pve. Same site as Redeemed
i believe the ct mod mass mail mod is for mailing multiple items to the same person at once. have never seen it send mails to multiple people although perhaps its different now?
Thanks to everyone for your support.

*noted :I will add the Mustard Seed Conspiracy to my posts

And as for how I am going to reach all these people I'll just to see what I need to do to make it easier.

This is my last Night (i get off at 6 in the morning ) at work for about a week but starting in the morning I have to get Tracy to the Hospital and then I have to be mommy and Daddy for about 3 or so days. Then when Tracy gets out of the Hospital I'll be taking care of her and the kids. So after today Im not sure when I'll be able to work on this.

Hmm.. what I think I'll try to do is tonight put the list of names I have In some kind of order and cut and paste them here, so If anyone has some time they can respond saying they will take the first 2 or three names and send them a tell in game or wow-mail of what I posted. If everyone sends just 2 or three a message I think we can knock this out pretty quick.

Just remember to reply with the names your going to take so the next person will know what is left over.

( I wrote the names in pencil off of the wow forums and put the sheets in my lunch box so they are not in any order and they have been pushed around by my lunches the past few weeks , so give me a hour or so and I'll put them up. Also remember that I may have mispelled a name or two and that these toons could be deleted.)

Thanks a bunch
Ok guys here is the list. It Is much more than I thought.

Its was weeks ago when I wrote down this Info of people looking for christian guilds or christian Allies .so some of the peeps on this list may not be around and some may not even want to vist our site. But If just a few come to check us out they could be some of our future best friends and we may be the blessing they need.

Sorry this Is so messy Im not very good using the tools on this message board. It looked much better In Excel. If anyone can clean this up please be my guest.

Faction / Server / Name / Info
1. ? / Azjol-nerub / ? Guild Is Dark Tides
2. Alliance / ? / Othniel / Guild is Knights Templar
3. Alliance / Aggramar / Faeya or maybe Faeqa
4. Alliance / Aggramar / Flodog
5. Alliance / Archimonde / Keliana
6. Alliance / Azgalor / supatones
7. ? / Bronzebeard / Zulzin / Guild Is Feral Wolves
8. Alliance / Blackhand / Firenze
9. Alliance / Bloodhoof / Klauswitz
10. Horde / Boulderfist / Stormwalker
11. Alliance / Burning Blade / Radlak - Gadakin http://tribeofjudah.proboards41.com

12. Horde / Burning Leageon / Televa
13. Alliance / Cenarion Circle / Dagor
14. Horde / Cenarion Circle / Reclaimer / Guild is Clan Protector
15. Alliance / Crushridge / Lauriana
16. Horde / Crushridge / Darakna
17. Alliance / Crushridge / Xaviour
18. Alliance / Crushridge / Shadowkin / Guild Is Tree of Life
19. Alliance / Dalaran / Athenartemis
20. Horde / Dalaran / Koruptwon
21. Alliance / Doomhammer / Llanfura
22. Alliance / Doomhammer / Ninja
23. Alliance / Dragonblight / Hunterkodiak
24. Alliance / Dragonmaw / Weasel
25. Alliance / Dunemaul / Styfer
26. Alliance / Durotan / Darkweld
27. Alliance / Elune / Valkyra
28. Alliance / Eonar / Aglarend
29. Alliance / Eonar / Loche
30. ? / Feathermoon / Bladewind
31. Alliance / Feathermoon / Mazlo
32. Alliance / Feathermoon / Peritomeis - Hamarteis - Meek
33. Alliance / Feathermoon / Silverthane
34. Alliance / Frostwolf / Gromthrak
35. ? / Garona / Ariana / Guild name is The Decout
36. Horde / Garona / Dhunter
37. Alliance / Gilneas / Darek
38. Alliance / Kargath / Angelofdoom
39. Horde / Kil'Jaeden / Padalarn
40. Alliance / Kil'Jaeden / Stab
41. Horde / Kil'Jaeden / Kuuipo
42. Horde / Laughing Skull / Forje
43. Alliance / Lightnings Blade / Ryde / Guild is The Azeroth Saints
44. Horde / Lightnings Blade / Dragonmaw / Raserei - blabberwort - wictictush Shizzakii - Pizzle - Heifer no Idea who is on which server Guild is TnT
45. Alliance / Mal'Ganis / Khanrad
46. Alliance / Mal'Ganis / Galadorn
47. Horde / Malygos / Wolfsorako / Guild Is Ut Unum Sint
48. Horde / Nathrezim / Kodoheart
49. Horde / Shadow Moon / Maine
50. Horde / Shadowsong / Worst / Castpo
51. Horde / Shatered Hand / Mukhadra
52. Horde / Skullcrusher / Arcanearcher / Darkfury / Guild Is Cursed Legion
53. Alliance / Spinebreaker / Nakia / 20 member guild Mimetes Hupo Christos clanufc.com
54. Alliance / Spirestone / Cellestria
55. Horde / Stonemaul / Liberty / I have no Idea how to get with this one
56. Alliance / Stormrage / Drugar
57. Horde / Stormscale / Moegly
58. Alliance / Suramar / Xeragamar
59. Alliance / Suramar / Blizkin Guild Is the Blizzard Project
60. Alliance / Thunderlord / Elkanah
61. Alliance / Thunderlord / Bamilus / 23 member guild Defenders of the Cross
62. Alliance / Tichondrius / Stormslayer
63. Alliance / Tichondrius / Adol Guild is Hand of Azeroth
64. Horde / Uldum / Jorix
65. Alliance / Uldum / Samboni
66. Horde / Warsong / Harmack
67. Horde / Warsong / Spitz
68. Horde / Warsong / Zirak
69. Alliance / Windrunner / Naramern

Please forgive spelling errors. I have never been known for winning spelling bee's

Thanks for the good work :)

I had been putting together a list of Christian Guilds from the WOW forums and this is great.

Medrag - Narrow Path Guildleader
Ok i have been putting this off to long time to get back to work.

Im at work at the moment so cant do a whole lot, but I was able to scan the wow guild forums a bit and I found this.
Crusaders of the Cross is a guild on the Khadgar server.

Crusaders of the Cross was founded by a group of friends that live by Christian values. We wanted an intimate guild based on intimate relationships and not solely based on items, power, status, and accomplishments. Members do not join to become the most uber, or the strongest, or the best equipped; therefore, we do not have a quota for membership and all levels and classes are welcome. Even if it means gaining power slower, we know that by upholding these principles and supporting our community, Crusaders of the Cross will be stronger as a guild and as individuals in all ways that matter. We belong to this guild because we believe in having fun in pursuing our goals-whatever they may be- through comradeship. We stand true to these principles and to each other.

We value the qualities of honor, companionship, and fair play. All members are expected to uphold the name of Crusaders of the Cross at all times in their behavior both within the guild and with others. Honor in family, honor in pvp, honor in battle, and honor in dividing loot from battle.

If you are looking for this kind of a guild and are interested in joining, our recruitment policy is as follows:



1) Since this guild was formed by Christians and several of our members are Christian, from time to time Christian conversations and messages may be discussed in guild chat and displayed on the Message of the Day. Although we do not require you to be Christian to join this guild we do require that you be tolerant of Christian based ideology and messages being brought up in general chat.

2) The majority of our members are over the age of 18 and; therefore, we prefer our members to be over the age of 18. This being said we do not discriminate by age and will make exceptions if we feel you will be a valued addition to our guild.

3) You must be willing to provide a current email address to provide to the guild leader and guild officers. Your email address will not be given out to anyone other than the guild leader and guild officers unless you specifically request it be given to anyone else. (if you become promoted to the rank of officer you must provide an email address that can be give to any of the guild members)

4) Participation in group activities with other guild members

5) Must express interest in helping others

6) Must not be solely looking for a way to level or gain money or loot, if that is what you are looking for in a guild then this guild is not the right guild for you.

We are firm believers in quality over quantity; therefore, we ask that you make sure to get to know our guild and our members to determine this is the type of guild you wish to be part of before you apply
Guild Master, Crusaders of the Cross


Level 60 Human Warrior

If anyone has free time tonight maybe you could contact this guild and add them to our list of Christian guilds on our websites and If they have a website they could do the same. It feels good to know that we are not as few as it seems .

Why do I feel this is Important? easy question for me. Because back when I started playing computer games ( Commodore 64= days). I had no choice who I played computer games with. There was no christain guilds or groups that I knew of. So I had to to put up with the same things I put up with at work. People taking Gods name in vain. And I just did not feel like I really fit in like I do here.

In the future I see our wow Alliance growing bigger and stronger. We my find a guild that is looking to merge into ours and we double over night. Only God knows for sure.

Anyway God Bless you all !

If anyone contacts that guild please post here so we know it was done If we all try to contact them we may scare them away. lol