Soooo.... the state of ranked right now


New Member
So I went down 100 elo in about 3 days purely due to trolls, for example:

1) Leblanc Mid, ends a 40 minute game with 52 cs
2) A gragas who farmed mid, never left the lane, and ended with 0 5 0
3) Jungler Gangplank, afks at start of game, hands first blood by invading team, proceeds to KS all game, we never recover
4) Jungler malphite, joins game 5 minutes late, ganks 1 time in 30 minutes
5) I go 15 3 16 as kogmaw, while my team repeatedly goes in without me and gets caught, 5 separate times
6) Support doesn't get to play top, goes orianna bot, buy 3 wards in a 30 minute game, and casts about 5 spells, while spamming dance

Anyone else experiencing a huge amount of trolling going on right now?
I theorize that it has something to do with your highest rank=permanent
I know exactly how you feel. Last week on my day off I was jungling Shaco. Out of 5 games I ended up winning 3... But only because I was back dooring like crazy. One game our Vayne never joined the game. The other game mid fed like crazy and didn't speak english.

Hopefully after Season 2 ends and they reset the rankings it won't be as bad.
I am still learning game and only 24. I have seen a wide variety of skill levels in the lower 20's. I can only imagine what it is like higher up.