Some Upcomming Changes


New Member
Howdy Peeps :) ,

I wanted to take a moment to fill you in on some stuff that will be up and comming.

First I wanted to say that Redeemed is an Awesome thing and in my opinion is the light in the seemingly dark World of Warcraft. This guild is what makes this game worth playing for me. Its my interaction with you all that drives me to play more than any Daily quest or dungeon raid. My nights of WoW playing are highlighted by sharing time and laughs with you all more than any achievemnt ever could. As I have said before I never ... and I mean never thought I would ever play an MMO before.. and it wasn't until My Pastor (Who you all know as Balde) and my Friend and Fellow Jr High Pastor (who you all know as Spekterelf) got me interested in trying it out. I mean all they would talk about was this game so I had to see what it was all about. When I did I was amazed not just by the graphics and the game content but by this wonderful community called Redeemed.. I never though that I would find a Christian community in a MMO game especially one that was so welcoming, helpful and caring as this one. As the years passed I got to get together with alot of you ( the LG Crew as we became known as ...especially when the router went down and all of us DC'd durring boss fights in Kara), We even got to get together and meet alot of you at one of many Redeemed Picnics.... Its these memories that I love to remember and always will.

Unfortunately with all those good time there have been quite a few hardships, tussles, dramas... (which ever you would like to call it) along the way and to be honest they have all taken a toll on me, the way i look at the game, and my desire to even play. I have gone from looking forward to logging in to Dreading it because of what Complaints I might have to deal with or what Delema will have to be delt with...

I have been the GL for Redeemed for a over a year now and Its time for me to step down.. I want my passion for Redeemed and the enjoyment of the game to stay with me.

There are going to be many changes ahead for Redeemed before I go. I want you all to know that these changes are going to happen for the better of Redeemed. To assist in these "Changes" we in Guild Leadership have enlisted the help of some TOJ Staff members to help with the transition. Many of you know these individulas Many of us where in Redeemed when they themselves Were GL's of Redeemed. We all know them as Icthus and FJ. You may see them ingame Dont be affraid to say hi and give them that warm Redeemed welcome I have come to know.

I am not leaving the game. there are too many friends and family ingame to just walk away ... plus i soo want to see the lych king go down :D
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I just came back, but I thank you for your service Jad.


Thanks and enjoy the game and the guild youv'e served well.
I'm rather surprised that Odale didn't correct all them there spelling mistakes.

I'm afraid you don't qualify for the comfy guild funded retirement pension plan either. You were only about 18 months shy. I guess you too will have to stick around.
Jad:I am not leaving the game. there are too many friends and family ingame to just walk away ... plus i soo want to see the lych king go down

thanks for all your service and efforts Jad, they are appreciated. glad you will still be playing!
Jad you were blessing as well but i cant say I'll miss you cause you'll still be around yay! Thanks for filling the shoes for a time :) You were great!
Dear Jad and the leaders of Redeemed,
I so appreciate your vulnerability during this very difficult transition. I know that you have all mourned your decision to step down and/or make significant changes in leadership, structure and mission. I'm excited to have just arrived in Redeemed during this time. I don't have the subjectivity of shared expereinces (good or bad) and will committ to encourage our new leadership and hold them accountable as a "fresh voice."

There are two passages I want to leave with you as a charge and as an affirmation of what you are already doing.
Isaiah 43:18-19
18 "Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
It's natural to want to live in the "good ole days." But, God is doing a new thing in and through Redeemed! Let's be sure to follow His Spirit's lead. =)

Proverbs 15:22
22 Plans fail for lack of counsel,
but with many advisers they succeed.
You guys are doing an amazing job finding wise Godly counsel as you move forward. I can't tell you how valuable that is to know. While some may feel that things are "fine the way they are." I appreciate your willingness to rethink more than just the Who of Redeemed, but the What? Where? When? Why? How?
One final thought from Herb Kelleher, founder of Southwest Airlines. “The day you believe you’re successful is the day you stop being successful. The hallmark of the truly successful organization is its willingness to abandon what has long made it successful.”
Blessings and prayers for you,
Will aka Salvado =)

Thanks again for all you did. I know how hard it is being a leader or officer. Hope to still see you around in game. I guess this means I won't have to send a tell once in a while to try to cheer your spirits up :D


Thanks again for all you did. I know how hard it is being a leader or officer. Hope to still see you around in game. I guess this means I won't have to send a tell once in a while to try to cheer your spirits up :D


Those are always welcome :D and thank you for those, They helped more than ya know:)
Mage Partners In Crime :D

I'm really glad that you will still be playing you would be too missed if you left. I've had great experiences with you since i've been in the guild and i have appreciated your hard work towards improving the guild. It really took commitment for what you did for the guild. We will have a lot more fun in Redeemed in the future and i can't wait to down The Lich King either! :)
Jad, so glad your sticking around. Like I've said in other posts, being a guild leader/officer is a lot of work. Thank you so very much for taking it on and doing such a good job with it. BIG HUGS to all who've had to bear the brunt of leadership in it fun times and frustrating times.