Some Server Plugins Info


ADDED: Some of this info is going to change with the new server, but mostly to be added to.. There are many plugins that are not listed here..

This is some info that I think you should know, to take advantage of everything that has been brought up. :) Abea will be updating the webpage soon with this info too. :)

Economy \ Shops:
We have moved to Essentials as kind of a 'catch-all' plugin, which also handles our economy, and shops. Some of the basic commands are:
/balance (/bal) - Check your balance
/balancetop (/baltop) - Check the top 10 balances
/worth <item> - Check how much an item sells to the server for
/sell [<item> <amount>\'hand'\'inventory'] - sell # of <item>\everything in your hand\everything in your inventory
/pay <player> <amount> - Pay another player

For shops, Essentials uses signs. This can be confussing, but they have a really good tutorial here:

We are now using LWC as our locking plugin. You can lock any door, chest, and or furnace. The commands for this are:
/cprivate - Lock a door\chest\furnace to only you
/cpublic - Locks a door\chest\furnace but allows public use
/cpassword <password> - Locks a door\chest\furnace with a password, that you can give out, and others can open it with that password
/cremove - Remove all the locks from an object

For Mods and Admins:
We only have three ToJ ranks set up at the moment. TOJBuilder. TOJModerator. TOJAdmins. When a new player that has posted in our forums, and is approved to play joins, a Mod or Admin can use these commands to put them in the right group. Please keep in mind, the names are case sensitive, so Blsimpson and blsimpson are two different names. :)
/pex user <username> group set TOJBuilder
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So currently, the only mods your running is an economy and a locking plugin?

What other plugins are planned?
What other plugins are planned?

We have:

Essentials - Does pretty much everything (Eco, Teleport, all the commands)
PermissionsEX - Handles the ranks
XCraftGate - Handles the multi-world support
WorldGuard - Handles the Region protection
NoCheat - stops cheaters. :-D
WhoPlacedIt - Use a stick to see who broke and placed blocks

There are a couple others, but they do not effect game play, and are not accessible to players..

As before, I am sure Bascom will be open to suggestions for other plugins. :)
DOORS HATE ME!!!!!!!!!!
how do i fix it
nevermind i needed to disconect first
Nevermind they still hate me
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Is there a link to the /jobs plug-in that is on the ToJ server? I'd like to know more about it, like what my mining level actually is useful for. :)

The McMMO is common and easily found. They have a good wiki with that info. Here's that:
Here is a link to the Bukkit Forums post:

And the link to the BukkitDev page:

Here is a little write up that I did on my website for it:
To view available jobs type ‘/jobs browse‘. To view information about a job type ‘/jobs info <jobaname>‘. This will give you the payouts and experience gain. The higher the level of the job, the more you get paid. To join a job type ‘/jobs join <jobname>‘. Once joined, you will start collecting money for everything that the job lists. If you would like to join another job, you must leave your current job, and join another. to do this type ‘/jobs leave <jobname>. Be warned though, once you leave a job your stats for that job reset, and if you go back to it you will have to start from the beginning.
anyone ever use creaturebox mod? I've had fun building mob looting devices before and wondered if this would ever be possible on our server... I've conquered about 7 spider spawners already, lol...

Also, is there currently any way to harvest these spawners in my inventory?
anyone ever use creaturebox mod? I've had fun building mob looting devices before and wondered if this would ever be possible on our server... I've conquered about 7 spider spawners already, lol...

Also, is there currently any way to harvest these spawners in my inventory?

I have looked into this plugin, and with the addition of experience and being able to use that experience to enchant items to make them more powerful, I do not think it would fit with our "survival" server..

I do believe the Silk Touch enchantment will allow spawners to become pick-able items, but I am not sure on that..

If anyone would like to see this added, it is open for discussion.. This is everyones server now, not just mine. :)