Some possible hackers

ToJ | Dead_Aim

New Member
Some guys came in our server today and they were pulling off some serious killz (better than Frost). Im not saying that they were hacking (though it looked like it from watching them from first person) Im just saying you guys might wanna take a look into it.

I can't remember there names but there Tags were *Mog*

I think one was *Mog*Zesus and I can't remember the other.
Goliath was the other one, assuming they are actually MoG members theyre legit as MoG = Men of God, good Christian clan
Unfortuneatly after warning after warning they didint listen when I resorted to spawn kill = ban on awp map
DeadAim-- the best thing if there's somoene you think is hacking on the server, don't say anything about it, just record a demo and email it to an admin. Make sure to type 'status' in the console during the demo (preferably at the end)
i woul dhave to agree with him on this one though Zeus and Goliath both got like 8 hs in a row real fast on awp map ( most through the walls)
It wasint that they where getting headshots a lot. It was the fact that they continued to spawn kill after many warnings and minor punishments. I even kicked both of them once and they still came back and did it. Oi I say, oi
Guys Im not one to go off accusing people of something (especially hacking) unless I have a very probably cause. These guys were getting headshots off the way. I was shot by Goliath many times through the double doors on aztec and through the wallls on awp_map. First off they were headshots, 2nd they were consist. Now either these guys are EXTREMELY lucky or there hacking. I would sit first person on them and watch them shoot through walls and kill ppl. I should have saved the demo except I don't know how. Ive only been playing for 3months Im still learning.
On another note, just because there in clan MoG (Men of God) doesn't mean they won't hack. Lets not just say b/c they are Christians they aren't hacking. Im not going to mention any names but I know 2x ToJ members 1 an admin who USE to hack.
well... like some people know... i used to lay down the h4x0r bomb a lot :\

I've already told this story to elite im not sure if I did to anyone else so I might as well say it, shows how God works in mysterious ways..

I started off pubbing like anyone else. At the same time I was playing SC and was your everyday map h4x. Then I went and found out that you could h4x in CS so I researched it and with another friend in ToJ (before ToJ) we started using OGC. We talked to Bunny_Hoper (one of the creaters of OGC not sure if he still is) many times and were pretty well into the field. After playing CS for about 1/2 a year I found myg0t (
) and became EXTREMELY interested in them, thought they were rebelious like I thought I was at the time. I was going through a great many problems in my life at that time and got kinda emotionally and mentally unstable. So I went in and emailed a request to join form. About a month or so later I got an email from [myg0t] Old Man Patterson saying I had gotten accepted and had to try out to join. Just when I was about to go to my tryout CS died kinda (the browser wouldn't refresh a common problem) and I was searching around on the Counter-Strike forums on After looking around I cruised into the clan recruitment area for some reason. After looking for a while i found a user named .fls.Apocalypse and he was the leader of Few Left Standing, which was a Christian CS clan. I saw he was getting flamed by almost everyone, so I stepped up and posted talking about how good it was to see that type of thing on a game like CS. So I emailed apoc asking him how I joined, later met on the fls server (at the time it was fls/ToJ server) and met everyone. Apoc later accepted me into .fls. Later I found that a lot of the .fls. guys (though cool) just had some weird unspoken thing against me, maybe it was just me I dont know. So I came to ToJ thanks to Paladin and Mercury always bein on and talkin to me (bet you regret it now huh?  
) and here I am. I still say im in .fls. and I'm proud of it, I think apoc has done a lot to change the bad things in it and I stand beside him. But for now ToJ and .fls. are my homes. =)
Jeez Myles I say one thing about you hacking and you break done into your story....I tried to protect your name b/c I didn't know if it would effect your admin career or what not. Glad you stopped let the Good times begin.
Well you do spam. Out of like 100 posts I've seen you post, that is like one of 3 that were actually worth reading.

Anyway, you never said when you stopped h4x0ring. Are you not telling us something?
Dead--ok, here's how to do a demo

in the console type 'record demoname'

watch for a while
then in console type 'status'
then in console type 'stop'

after that, use your fav. zip program, zip it up and email it to an admin.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (SirLagalott @ April 21 2003,11:06)]Well you do spam. Out of like 100 posts I've seen you post, that is like one of 3 that were actually worth reading.

Anyway, you never said when you stopped h4x0ring. Are you not telling us something?  
i stop h4xing/crashing when i joined .fls.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | Dead_Aim @ April 21 2003,4:20)]Thanks Kidan if this was like I would give you some ~karma~ but its not so I guess thanks will do.  
/smacks karma outta diabloworld and back into where they belong

dirty thieves