Soma Games Finally Made it to teh PC!


New Member
Hi Folks,

It was all hush-hush up until the last minute but back in early December, we were invited by Intel to be one of their pioneer developers for the App Store thay just launched at CES.


G is now one of only 22 or so games in the whole system and is currently number one or number two in ranking. w00t!


I know several people here weren't able to play the iPhone G and asked about the port, and we're really glad to say it now works on the PC. As we did this port, we also took the opportunity to make a bunch of major updates to the game to account for comments we got along the way. G now has even better artwork, more animations, an online leaderboard, career scores (which will be more important as we launch the sequel, F) and in-flight afterburners to create a kind of arcade mode.


The game is only 99 cents in the Intel app store (same price as the iPhone) and we would be very grateful if you folks would check it out and tell us what you think. You would have our gigantical gratefulity if you posted a quick review of it on the Intel store. The app store is targeted at the netbook market but it really works on any PC. Be advised, the store is in beta and we've seen reports of some pretty wonky behavior...but G works great. ;)


At this moment, the store is getting a lot of press attention and there are a lot of eyeballs on the thing...and by extension they are looking at the top few games in the store. A review goes a LONG way to get G and Soma in front of folks.


This has been a very exciting year for Soma Games and I know we owe basically our whole existence to the people on forums like this one who have encouraged us and shared our vision with their own tribes. We don't take that for granted. We met a ton of virtual friends at CES over the last week and I suspect we'll keep meeting more of you out there on the road.

So check this out. Literally one hour after our newest update to the iPhone version goes live, the one that finally includes online leader boards, our web server had a disk failure and our site has been down for 36 hours now. As a result, anybody who downloaded that update has a crippled game until the site comes back up. >sigh<

The two things aren't actually related but the timing is dreadful. And frankly we made a programmig oversight by assuming the website would be up (99.9% uptime got us spoiled I guess). ANyway, we could use your prayers on this - this is a stinker adn we're taking some knocks over it.
So check this out. Literally one hour after our newest update to the iPhone version goes live, the one that finally includes online leader boards, our web server had a disk failure and our site has been down for 36 hours now. As a result, anybody who downloaded that update has a crippled game until the site comes back up. >sigh<

The two things aren't actually related but the timing is dreadful. And frankly we made a programmig oversight by assuming the website would be up (99.9% uptime got us spoiled I guess). ANyway, we could use your prayers on this - this is a stinker adn we're taking some knocks over it.

Sure thing Prayer incoming!
Hey folks, thanks for your prayers on the website. It's back up now and we're getting a lot of new traffic on the update. w00t!

I don't know if Cryptopur is watching this thread or still checking the forums and I can only speak for myself, but I'd be interested in reading more updates from Soma Games and other Christian game developers.
Hi Tek7 - I still get the bumps but haven't been watching the boards much in a while.
News on Christian developers could be seen much here:
We had a totally awesome conference this year and it brought a lot of folks in the community together (as it always does). But the website now allows for a lot more interaction so I'd suggest you take a peek and ping a few people.
As for Soma, we're almost done with our next release called Wind Up Robots. Due out...any minute now... you can see a bunch or art and stuff on our Facebook page:
After that, we still plan to launch the sequel to F around Thanksgiving but not much has been published on that yet.