SoE Xfire ID List

Thread necromancy for sure. I haven't been into xfire for over a year, didn't even have it loaded on this computer, wasn't sure of pass but knew user name for sure:

^I think that was required.

Alos, not in SoE, but it's orryyrro
Thank you for the correction on the term. If you want to know if I am in anything, MSN etc. try Ursen first. I do not do face book. If you need an email try the one in my profile. It is the best of the 3.
Ugh, I joined Xfire at one point. I think Derk said it was a requirement to become an officer, but I've never used it and I didn't become an officer either.

Don't really see the point. I pretty much only play GW, so if you wanna know if I'm online, just check GW.
Same here - Raven. If I am 'in-game' it is Guild Wars. I have been checking into Teamspeak the last couple of weeks - now that I got it working.
Xfire ID = KendrikTheRed (Psst... adding a "c" to my name will make it impossible to find me. Yeah. I know. Kendrick should have a "c" in it... but I liked it more without.)

I'll be installing Xfire and TeamSpeak3 as soon as my Bluetooth adapter gets here.