Okies, so far all I've been playing is Minecraft.
At present I have a specific schedule to be able to maintain some form of positive relationship with several forums regarding MC as well as their servers themselves, my ministry, reality, etc. Oh yeah, and my personal free-time. (Usually about .43% of my time. If I get 2% I'm peachy!)
Right now, in the eyes of the ToJ community and it's surrounding environment, I am partaking in a Minecraft Chain World. What this means is I am part of a selected few who are undergoing a specific world in Minecraft designed for the Chain World. We each take turns in this world both surviving as well as utilize teamwork to conquer the world. I happen to have the "Home Run" position in the present chain. This means I am the fourth link, or player, to the world. My predecessors set things up nicely for a home run, but I'm already 3 and a half hearts down and still 4th inning (turn).
Oh, did I mention that when you die the world moves on to the next link (player) in the chain? I'm hoping I hit a home run and clean off the bases for the next four runs before I am tagged OUT!
BTW, did I mention I don't like baseball? Good I'm glad I didn't because that would be a lie.