So what do you think C4 will be?


Campaign Four, that is.

GuildWiki had this to say:
Nothing is known about a theme or new content so far.

Gaile Gray has hinted at the fact that campaign four may take place on a frigid continent. However, this could be interpreted as a hint or a joke towards eager fans, considering that the "hint" was that C4 will take place in Antarctica and be called Binky's Spelling Adventure.
i think it will be cowboys and indians
With Cowboy and Indian professions? Kewl. Their weapon could be pistols and an off-hand or a rifle/shotgun. (unfortunately, these weapons kill everything in one hit)
(unfortunately, these weapons kill everything in one hit)

So does a spear to your aorta, but it still only does 14-27 damage...

I listen to that "GuildCast" from time to time, and they had an episode talking about what they'd like to see in future chapters. One cool idea was a kind of Prophocies 2 where you go north and fight the Charr on their turf. Kind of a Russian theme, I think. There were some other good idea, I just can't remember them.

... One cool idea was a kind of Prophocies 2 where you go north and fight the Charr on their turf. Kind of a Russian theme, I think. There were some other good idea, I just can't remember them.


That'd be a cool idea....I always wondered what happens to Ascalon.....

On a different note...anyone know how the maps fit together? Like where is Elonia in relation to Tryia?
It has to take place on a frigid continent. I mean, all games have an ice level. Then the fifth one will take place in a sewer continent, because according to Serious Sam, all games have a sewer level also.
That'd be a cool idea....I always wondered what happens to Ascalon.....

On a different note...anyone know how the maps fit together? Like where is Elonia in relation to Tryia?

Elona connects with Tyria somewhere around the crystal desert, you know, with the missions like "Elona's Reach" and stuff and all the Elonian monuments and stuff. Then the whole ocean that was there (which is why there are ship wrecks there) ev4p0r4t0rd and they had to flee. At least it's something like that.
You can see the woman warrior statue in the desert before it fell. You can see it from a place in Nightfall called Crystal Overlook. There is a Forgotten Guardian there near a teleporter (like the ones in the crystal desert). He will offer to teleport you to the desert. I didn't go but I assume you must have Prophecies and Nightfall before that will work. I don't know exactly where you pop up if you do take the teleporter.
[]phantom;208113 said:
It has to take place on a frigid continent. I mean, all games have an ice level. Then the fifth one will take place in a sewer continent, because according to Serious Sam, all games have a sewer level also.

Factions had enough sewer type areas for me. It's where all those big turtle looking things were. Prophecies has the Northern and Southern Shiverpeaks so that's been covered also.

Going north into Charr land would be cool. I miss killing those things.
wow, cool... I've seen that statue (I approached it so it'd fall, it was for some quest I think... it had to fall to create a little bridge. I must admit I didn't feel comfortable walking across a woman like that)
I would like to see some form of Roman or Grecian setting. A gladiator profession would be fun, using one of those spiked balls with a chain would be interesting.

What setting is Prophecies? Factions is obviously asian, Nightfall is obviously african... Prophecies is obviously...? Obviously it isn't so obvious. LOL
My next guess would be an Aztec or Mayan culture, or native American, since they've done Medieval Europe (Prophecies), Asia, and Africa. The next logical continents to use would be the Americas, unless they went Guild Wars: Aborigines.

My first inclination would be Aztec, because it was a horribly bloodthirsty culture, would make for some great plotline with the clash of the barbaric native religion and the brutal form of religion practiced by the conquistadores, and you'd have those tiered pyramids, a Macchu Picchu type city in the clouds, the hunt for El Dorado (the city of gold). In that case, the two professions would be a conquistadore (because what we really need is another melee class) and... priest? Sacrifices his own blood to buff or heal? Kind of a combination necro, monk, paragon. I don't know, when it comes out, we'll all be wrong anyway. :)
You can see the woman warrior statue in the desert before it fell. You can see it from a place in Nightfall called Crystal Overlook. There is a Forgotten Guardian there near a teleporter (like the ones in the crystal desert). He will offer to teleport you to the desert. I didn't go but I assume you must have Prophecies and Nightfall before that will work. I don't know exactly where you pop up if you do take the teleporter.
i found that and did it, you have to have both campains and have to be up to both areas, IE: you cant have a Tyrian character in LA, move him to Elona and excpet to teleport. You get teleported to the Arid Sea, its kinda cool.

anyway rumor from most people is and Antarctic theme, i also heard that Gray said it will be the most weirdest/exotic/strangest i forgot the word. really, i dont care what it is, i just want another melee prophesion, out of 9 prophesions there are only 3 melee...
You can see the woman warrior statue in the desert before it fell. You can see it from a place in Nightfall called Crystal Overlook. There is a Forgotten Guardian there near a teleporter (like the ones in the crystal desert). He will offer to teleport you to the desert. I didn't go but I assume you must have Prophecies and Nightfall before that will work. I don't know exactly where you pop up if you do take the teleporter.

i wish they had more stuff like that, or like an instance hidden like wow
ehh the pig launcher beats whatever WoW has..
what more can you ask for FLYING BACON!
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