So I bought the game for my son. . .

With regards to modding...

I follow Direwolf20's YouTube channel, and today he published a "spotlight" video today about the Minecraft Curse client:

This new launcher looks like it will greatly simplify downloading modpacks, creating custom modpacks based on mods you prefer, and keeping everything up to date. I haven't personally used this yet, but I'm looking forward to giving it a try - it looks like it will make things like the FTBLauncher and ATLauncher obsolete.
I must have done something wrong. . .my TOJ registration doesn't seem to have been approved. Any ideas?
I must have done something wrong. . .my TOJ registration doesn't seem to have been approved. Any ideas?

I asked Tek about this Tuesday and sent him a pm but he's been pretty busy lately so IDK :/ . Wish I could help more but I don't have access to the Toj website and I've not got the time to take on more permanent responsibilities.
I must have done something wrong. . .my TOJ registration doesn't seem to have been approved. Any ideas?

I asked Tek about this Tuesday and sent him a pm but he's been pretty busy lately so IDK :/ . Wish I could help more but I don't have access to the Toj website and I've not got the time to take on more permanent responsibilities.
Keero and Phantom, our Membership Administrators, may also be busy, but I did see the e-mail come through and will try to log on tonight to approve your application, Patriot.

I'll also send Keero and Phantom a PM in case they're where they can approve it sooner.
I jumped on the server on Friday. It was quite the smorgasbord of creations extending out from the spawn for quite a distance. I wandered, seeking my own fortune. . .perhaps a plot of land I could call my own. I traveled through the day, passing structure after structure, wary of even knocking down a tree lest I disturb some carefully manicured landscape. Finally, as the sun began to set the lands appeared less tame and torches were seen with far less frequency. I took a chance and knocked down a tree, forming a crude pick. I foolishly dropped into a a natural cavern to chisel out some pieces of coal and some stone for improved tools. I quickly placed torches around the entrance to the cavern and realized it was much more extensive than I had expected with 3 tunnels branching off from the initial opening. This was no place to spend the night. As if to punctuate that thought, an arrow streaked out of the darkness and pierced my arm. I jerked back from the inky blackness and retreated toward the opening even as the last glimmer of the sun sank below the horizon. There would be no refuge in the world outside the cavern either. . .

Pain exploded through my shoulder as another arrow found its mark from my unseen assailant. My life was draining away, and lacking food I had no way to restore my strength. I was going to die in this hole unable to go up or down. Another arrow into my back. The world was beginning to become fuzzy. NO! I won't die like this! I did the one thing I know how to do best; I began digging. Within seconds I had a small alcove dug into the wall of the cavern with only a small opening remaining. It was much too small for anything to enter.

So now I cower in this small hole, my life spent, barely able to stand praying for the dawn. I'm near starved. And my opponent stalks in the darkness beyond my torchlight waiting for me to emerge. If anyone finds this note on my body know that you can have my possessions, I pray they do you more good than they did for me.

Not bad for my first day. . .If I had realized I would have to walk so far to find open ground I might have taken some of the food from the chest someone had placed in front of his house (sorry don't remember who's house it was) for weary travelers. I'm back playing single-player for the time being as I am well-established in that game and attempting to discover more about the game. I'll come back - I just need to be prepared to start over entirely and that is difficult when you already have an existing world.
I jumped on the server on Friday. It was quite the smorgasbord of creations extending out from the spawn for quite a distance. I wandered, seeking my own fortune. . .perhaps a plot of land I could call my own. I traveled through the day, passing structure after structure, wary of even knocking down a tree lest I disturb some carefully manicured landscape. Finally, as the sun began to set the lands appeared less tame and torches were seen with far less frequency. I took a chance and knocked down a tree, forming a crude pick. I foolishly dropped into a a natural cavern to chisel out some pieces of coal and some stone for improved tools. I quickly placed torches around the entrance to the cavern and realized it was much more extensive than I had expected with 3 tunnels branching off from the initial opening. This was no place to spend the night. As if to punctuate that thought, an arrow streaked out of the darkness and pierced my arm. I jerked back from the inky blackness and retreated toward the opening even as the last glimmer of the sun sank below the horizon. There would be no refuge in the world outside the cavern either. . .

Pain exploded through my shoulder as another arrow found its mark from my unseen assailant. My life was draining away, and lacking food I had no way to restore my strength. I was going to die in this hole unable to go up or down. Another arrow into my back. The world was beginning to become fuzzy. NO! I won't die like this! I did the one thing I know how to do best; I began digging. Within seconds I had a small alcove dug into the wall of the cavern with only a small opening remaining. It was much too small for anything to enter.

So now I cower in this small hole, my life spent, barely able to stand praying for the dawn. I'm near starved. And my opponent stalks in the darkness beyond my torchlight waiting for me to emerge. If anyone finds this note on my body know that you can have my possessions, I pray they do you more good than they did for me.

Sounds like Minecraft alright :) !
I died. No, not the honorable death of an arrow to my spleen. Not even the somewhat understandable death of a zombie ripping apart my polygonal body. Instead, I drowned. . .

I managed to survive the night in my cave. I collected coal and some stone. I made a dash for the exit and breathed in the fresh air as the dawn burst over the horizon. I decided I was playing a fool's game, attempting to carve out a niche for myself in monster infested lands. Deep sea mining was obviously the more logical choice. So with my 1 heart of health and 3 sticks of food I knocked down a large tree, took my stone out into the middle of the ocean, and began to build from the ocean floor. Normally, this is a difficult enough task. But I had absolutely no margin for error due to my low health. And I pushed just a little bit too much.

But I didn't give up after the ocean claimed my body. Instead, I went back and finished my mining platform. I drilled into the sea bed and down into the crust of the earth. I've obtained iron and diamond already. My next task is to begin building a proper tower around my mine shaft, up from the sea floor and into the sky. No doubt I'll die several more times before I'm done working in the water. . .
Minecraft fanfiction possibly the only genre where writers getting "block" could be considered a good thing. :p
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You guys crack me up. I think I've spent too much time role-playing in Skyrim. It's bleeding over to other games. . .
Tired of slaving away in the mines I decided to utilize some of the resources I had gathered up to begin work on my residence. It was dangerous work due to a severe lack of scuba equipment. I was haunted by memories of my former failings when working in the water. But I managed to keep a stiff upper lip and finished the outer walls to keep the water out. The hard part was done so I moved on to building upward. Days flew by as I slapped rock and mortar together. The tree I planted in the first exterior courtyard flourished and grew to an enormous height. I built a chicken coup on the next level. Now I just needed some chickens. Soon I would be able to stave off that gnawing hunger. I remembered from my first stroll through town that there was an automated chicken farm, surely they could spare a couple eggs. . .

I set out the next morning and quickly arrived at the town. Things seemed normal at first. That quickly changed. The path was blocked, and what appeared to be wool was strewn about. The TOJ logo was partially destroyed and burning. Everything was in ruin. The chicken farm was in complete disrepair. There were no chickens. The track was broken in places and the building had large holes in it. What had happened while I had been mining? I found some stray chickens and managed to procure a number of eggs before leaving the chaos of the village behind.

My chicken coup now has 2 chickens and I am working on building higher but I can't stop thinking about the scene of destruction I witnessed in town. Will it come to visit itself upon me in my ocean tower or am I safe this far from shore?

No seriously. WHAT HAPPENED? I stop playing for a little while to focus on War Thunder and when I come back it looks like a tornado went through town. . .