so bored at work!!

Hahahaha Who took my job of being the spelling/grammar police? O.o

I'm thinking of lugging my laptop around when I go back to school and hop on the wireless where I can and just troll the forums...or maybe I can just do it on the laptops/computers in the classrooms...just the ones that can't be seen by the professors. ^__^ I'll definitley be trolling them during the class that I will be TI'ing though. =P
I might as well post in this soon to be legendary thread:P

Time to update your sig Meli, Heaven is a few levels higher :D

Great! now sell it and send me the gold! LOL I have my 8 already..need 120g more for the hide...then it is cap time!!!!!!!!! WOOT
This is why I troll the forums at work! I am motivated again, laughing and singing a funny catchy little song! LOL