Sniper crosshair


New Member
Many of you know, or may not know, but I created a few crosshairs back in the day, I think in 2001
! Anyways ... I reformatted the other day and was using the default sniper crosshair and didn't like it too much, it covers your victims too much. Before I reformatted I was using my custome crosshair that I created a while ago. I wanted to create a crosshair that does 3 things ... 1. doesn't cover your victim too much, but still be able to aim properly. 2. can see it in the dark pretty well. 3. can see it in the light pretty well. I feel as though I have accomplished all 3 with this new and improved crosshair. If you want to check it out, it's below. And if you want to download it, click -->here<--

After you download it, say to your desktop, go to your ../cstrike/sprites folder, and find "sniper_scope.spr" and rename it to "sniper_scopeOLD.spr", then cut and paste the new file in that same folder. GL HF, enjoy
I made some way back then, at the same time I made my old sniper ones. I posted them here, but I don't think really anyone replied <-- guess that should tell me something, lol. Well, here is the aug and sig crosshair that I made, keep in mind, it will be alittle smaller than this, but still pretty easy to see. Click -->here<-- to download the crosshair/files and instructions. Unzip the files to your desktop and then read the "Readme.txt". Enjoy ;D
this is the one almost all the famous snipers in history have used, and has been in use since WW2. (the one on the left)

a gun company called Leupold has taken it a step further and tweaked it a bit for better visibility (right side).  what results is a pretty sweet sniper crosshair.

the thick bars are for lining up your targets easier (bigger reference frame), and the thin top line is so you don't lose your target while you're pressing the trigger for the kill (hopefully.  cept for Z, cuz he's such a nubz0r

(edit: heres the sprite file and the BMP for the one on the right)
Wow Goose, you couldn't have made one that's all green and red so that it makes my color blind head explode?!?!?!?!? :p My biggest problem with crosshairs are the zoomed Aug/Sig since I lose that against any non-snow background especially dust like ones. :-\ Love being colorblind.

Goose, I'd have to say that I'm very impressed with your crosshair design; I've been using it today, and although it may be the psychological aspect of expecting them to improve my sniping, I think they do help.

And amorph...I think you have too much time on your hands.
I did this for MOH. I was at the top of my game as a sniper. I pretty much pwned anything. Then MOH sucked, and I stopped making crosshairs.

Anyway, good show & keep up the CS modding.
Thank you everyone for supporting my crosshairs, much appreciated

DH : it's "ch_sniper.spr"

Toe : enlighten me on colorblindness, I don't know much about it, what would you like to see in a crosshair. As for the sig and aug, try my crosshairs out for that, it's black and red, althought I have no clue what you see =\
I used the awp crosshair of gooses just now...w00tz0r

Got my first awp headshot (by actually meaning to)

GJ goose
Yo amorphus88

Were did u get that sniper crosshair at?
Whut websit did u get it at?
Well I've been using Morph's sniper crosshair and it's been working rather well. My personal color blindness is that I "can't" see certain colors where they look like other ones and certain colors when put near each other blend (majority of blues and reds, and greens and reds for example) making it this icky mess that hurts my eyes. No sense in catering to me since anything that'd be really good for me would probably stink for anyone else. Acctually found nice zoomed crosshairs for my aug/sg that doesnt blend into the background of anything not white.

guys... you make me cry....


actually, with all the time I spend on tech forums, and looking up stuff online, I've gotten quick about it.  the entire sniper thing took me... eh... 5 minutes.  the whole spiel.

of course, its because I have so much junk I've seen already that I just need to remember the URL to get at it... =/

Justin - the "classic" sniper crosshair is from CS-Immortals
(theres also a guide to making your own crosshairs, and the "classic" crosshair is at the end.)

HAHA I just looked through the Google Search Toolbar history trying to find the exact search query I used to find the other page... heheh... I went through the entire list in about one hour... (like, I filled it up with completely new stuff)...  

a bunch of good crosshairs are here
theres also good Quake 1/2/3, HL, Opposing Force, RTCW / STV-ELITE FORCE / JEDI 2 / MOHAA crosshairs there, too.

it's not that well organized, though, so be careful what you download.  make sure it's  a *.SPR file...

oh yeah, and noones ever told me if the crosshair I'm using (the first one I posted) is the default or not...
Morph, yes, that's the default crosshair. One other thing ... on the bullseye website, I actually have a couple crosshairs on there, from when I created some a long time ago. I think it's on page 7, hehe, plz don't make fun of me =\
If you're talking about the crosshair that you use for practically every other gun, it's called "crosshairs.spr", if I recall correctly. And there's not just one crosshair in there, which means if you were to replace it, make sure it has like 20 or whatever, crosshairs in there.