
I also play a Khajiit. My play style tends to be more of a sneak/archer type.

That being said, I am level 20 and still using Lydia (sp?) as my follower ever since she became my housecarl. I equipped her with Chillrend (found on the thieves guild quests) since I tend to use my bow more than anything and a dagger in a pinch. Playing last night I snuck into a tomb with a Drager (sp?) Lord. I got the initial sneak attack in on him and then let Lydia hack away. Chillrend has an enchantment of paralysis (+frost dmg) and the Drager Lord spent so much time falling down as stiff as a board, getting back up and getting stumbled by my arrows that he never had a chance to dragon shout or even attack back. It was quite humorous watching him stiffen up and rock backward before thawing and getting back to his feet.

Of course, Lydia does make sneaking around harder as her sneak value is fairly low. It is good enough that I can generally get off the sneak attack before they know where we are. Anyway, life is much easier with a follower, especially against harder opponents. And Lydia doesn't die unless you hit her or the enemy attacks you with an AOE that hits her as she is kneeling (after taking too much dmg) .

Sorry about my spelling. Lousy internet is blacked out. . .

How do I make it so the merchants have more gold?
Check the perks under speechcraft.

And do perks have a special key associated with them that I need to press like older games? I never seem to use any stamina when I'm fighting even tho I have several perks that should use it.
What platform are you on?
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i think i might be hitting her with shouts....
Shouts will do it. I shot her with an arrow once (since she tends to prefer melee) just as she started kneeling. I had to reload from a saved game. . .

I think I'll use her when I clear and area. Go thru myself killing everything and then I'll put all my loot into crates and stuff. Then go back and packmule her.
so who is the best companion to take? and do they level?
Holding your attack button (left or right mouse) will perform a power attack that uses stamina. I believe sprinting with the shield backing perk and blocking will shield bash. Sprinting uses stamina (default alt key). For archers, if you choose the steady hand perk you can zoom with the bow drawn by pressing the left hand attack (default right mouse). This will burn stamina.

As for the best companion, it probably depends on your play style. I generally use Lydia as a tank since I am an archer and don't like melee. You can pick up mages that use different magic styles. I believe there are a number of companions you can get that have higher sneak values for those who are inclined to avoid the enemy in dungeons.

I'm not sure if they level. My gut tells me that they do not. As the wiki that I use for Skyrim info is blacked out I cannot say either way for certain.
I'm at level 13 now and bought the house in Whiterun. Since there's so much to do in this game & I'm slowly learning, I ordered the strategy guide from Amazon. I went to 4 local stores and it was sold out. I just figured out how to use Cat's Eye & other special powers at level 11 :/
Still not sure how to use abilties or stamina. Game is good but not really good at helping you learn how to play. I may not have abilities yet. I've done the werewolf thing (not sure I wanted to but I did it) but have no idea how to change. Just figured out how to use shouts.

Really disappointed with how easy dragons are to kill. A mastadoon kills me quick and easy but a dragon is almost as easy to kill as a deer? And lets not even talk about that camp of giants I charged into.

Love the game and there's a lot to do / see. I wish there was a way to get out of some of the quests I get involved in (Getting the tree sap with the nettlebane was ok until I had to attack the tree. Didn't feel right and the things slaughtering everyone told me what I wanted to know). Other than just leaving them unfinished.
Not to reignite an old thread, but thought this would be better than creating a new one with the same name? ...

Steam has Skyrim on sale for %33 off, which puts it at $39.99, because of the release of the Steam workshop... This the sale I have been waiting for? I know people said that its been worth it at full price, so I am assuming the answer is yes, but this a good deal to jump on?

Wait, just saw that if you buy all three Elder Scrolls games (III, IV, and V) you can get them all for $49.99. That makes it worth it to me. :D