Skill > Gear


New Member
A guild named The Seven just killed Illidan Stormrage..less than 2 months after TBC was officially released to Chinese WoW servers.
Note: A mage still using T3 shoulders and helm. As well as the gear that the other players are using

Story can be found on

Confidence > then all. Sadly, I think Redeemed has a bit of a "We are Christian, we shouldn't, can't, ought not, be good, playing games etc..etc..." syndrom going on. To be blunt, if we have God on ourside... you get my drift. We just need confidence, a little more "Can do" attitude and a little less... well, a little less of what ever is holding us back.

I say we can do it. I say lets go do it. And who am I to say we can do it admist all the negativity we face? Well, you better believe I'm important because Jesus died for me...ME ME ME, I'm important. So, ya'll listen to me and not the world ok. WE CAN DO IT!!!! BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!!
woot! I'm pumped now Aves! Alas I wont be able to direct it towards WoW but GuitarHero3 cant hold me back now!!!!
I think some of it is all the jumping around, if we are gonna try Gruul, VR, Lurker and Mag we need to just give up on kara, we arent good enough at them yet to do more than 1 a night so that makes 4 days of 25 mans and leaves 3 days to clear kara and thats 7 days a week.
VR farm - Just need the people to show up. Might as well farm it until blizzard makes it so you can't get to it.
Gruul Farm - Just need the people to show up.
Mag - I've heard from multiple sources this encounter is too hard for its current T4 progression position.
Lurker - I'm more then happy to work 3 days a week at this because I know we can do it.
We have the Gear and the skill to do Mag we just need to get the Strat down. Lurker is a complete Noob. And VR is just fun.
I thought Arthas killed Illidan at the end of WC3 Frozen Throne? I remember the big anime-like fight scene cinematic at the end and then Arthas puts on the crown to be the new lich king. Am I remembering wrong?
blizzard explained that because of the lack of investment, the cut-scene was made with the in-game 3D models instead of an actual CG. it was meant to show that illidan was wounded but not dead, but they didn't do such a good job.