

Active Member
Hey so i dont know if yall remember but like a month ago i was really really sick.. running a 105 fever and had a horrid cough.... went to doc got meds and started feelin better after about a week

now.... im sick again! o joy! but its not the same in that im actaully throwing up and runnning a fever of 102.... so its not nearly as bad as last time but id like to ask for ya'lls prayers while im sick and trying to decide if i want to go to the doc.

o and today was the last day for makeup work for one of my classes that im missing a test in from being sick last time... so i was hoping yall would pray that my teacher is forgiving and still lets me make it up!
I feel for you bro, my twins are sick right now with cough and high fevers. I feel so horrible for them. Praying for your body to recover as quick as possible.
There seem to be a lot of contagious flu's/colds going around this year. With the influx of more people, higher classroom and day care allowances, being around more people etc, we come down with things very easily. Take care of yourself Gala, and if you don't see improvement soon, going for a re-check with your doc is always a good thing. **HUGS**
The cool thing about wow is I can hang out with sick friends, but I'm in no danger of catching your germz! Make the most of your time at home!
Recommend national (world wide for the canucks) chicken day,
in which we abstain from chicken and do the chicken dance at the top of the hour and upon mentioning of the word chicken.
Long live the Chicken!
Southern Fried Chicken
1. Soak chicken in buttermilk overnight.
2. Put flour, salt and pepper in sack (paper sack or sip lock bag) and shake the bag wwith the chicken inside.
3. Place chicken in deep fryer (those turkey cookers work real well) with peanut or canola oil and fry until a golden brown.
4. Consume while warm with generous helpings of mashed patatoes, white gravey, and various veggies.

Man - that stuff is good for what ails ya! ummmm-ummmmmm
until your doc checks your chloesterol...then again, some things are worth making your doc upset w/ you over :)