Should CHRISTIANS be tolerant???

PapaToad said:
Tolerance should be a point of concession for Christians, least we impose on the Mental, Physical, or Emotional heath of a person.

It is the Right of every person to choose for themselves their religious views, whether those views conflict with our own. To each his own.

The biggest challenges Christians have is that I am right you are wrong mentality. As soon as a person hears that; you have just lost them and slapped them in the face. It’s a hard win after that.

But some people never understand that.

Ah, if only more Christians shared your attitude.

Kudos to you!
Wow... I'm a fan!

PapaToad said:
Tolerance should be a point of concession for Christians, least we impose on the Mental, Physical, or Emotional heath of a person.

It is the Right of every person to choose for themselves their religious views, whether those views conflict with our own. To each his own.

The biggest challenges Christians have is that I am right you are wrong mentality. As soon as a person hears that; you have just lost them and slapped them in the face. It’s a hard win after that.

But some people never understand that.
Eon said:
No, no - it really ISN'T saying that at all. It is saying to fear him who can destroy your body and soul in hell. I thought that by definition, God wasn't IN hell (it does say that hell is eternal seperation from your creator) so how can he be destroying your body and soul?

And if Satan has no dominion in Hell, what about others such as Abaddon?

Yes it is most assuredly referring to God. God is the only one who can destroy your body and soul in hell. The passage does not mean that God has to be in hell to do it. The act is done by putting someone there in the first place.

As to the abaddon reference...which use of the word are you referring to in the Bible. There are a few and they mean different things according to the context of the passage.
Didasko said:
As to the abaddon reference...which use of the word are you referring to in the Bible. There are a few and they mean different things according to the context of the passage.

That is EXACTLY the question I have asked of Christians regarding the word "hell", but no one seems to be willing to answer it.
Abaddon as in he who is the Angel of the Pit. The Destroyer. The ruler of the horde of scorpion demony thingies With the stinging and the hurting.