

New Member
We dont' have a thread about them yet. This surprises me because they are rather new to the Alliance. Has anyone in the guild tried or bothered to level one up yet?
Well I know Tone has, and from talking to him he rather likes his Shaman. I tried once again to get into the class, and got my shaman to lvl 33 (where she remains after about a month or so of inactivity).

I like a lot about the class, but the amount of drinking one has to do... even when you try and conserve mana, lessens the fun I have with her. :(

I guess I have been spoiled by my feral druid, affliction warlocks, and mages (who have a lot of ways to get back mana when they need it, and are reasonably efficient).
I have a level 16 Shammy who I like a lot more (for unknown reason) than when I first tried them on the Horde side. He's no rogue, but what can you do? :D
I've got a lvl 35 Shammy who I am leveling in tandem with Adam's dranei warrior. I really enjoy the class, but I haven't had to solo so I haven't noticed that I need to drink a lot. Also, I'm resto speccd and have been going with int/spi gear so I probably have an adequate mana pool/regen rate. I enjoy healing with her and it will be fun to see if a Shaman can be a Main Healer.
Just as an FYI : I did a SH run the other day with a Shammy as MH, in fact the only one who could heal. They did awsome. I would have no problems with this shammy in any instance I run. So they can definately be a main healer. This is resolved in my mind at least.
I've just started a Shaman to duo (not duel, although that sometimes happens too) with Jen's warrior, so I'll be speccing resto as well. Have you seen any good game guides for shaman? I've spent some time looking on the web, and haven't found much, other than a nice elemental shammy guide.
From what I've heard, most shammans are being forced to spec restro if they want to stay in groups. I have been reading on the forums that their DPS is lack luster now.
DPS is lacklustre? Only once you force them to specc restro!

*mumbles something about forums and teapots and shared intelligence quotients*

I'm running an enhancement shammy who is level 27 atm. She'll actually be PvPing if and when I have time to do so and she hits level 28-29.

As a side note for any enh shammies: I rigged my shocks up to start my autoattacks, seeing as (as an enh shammy) I almost always end up using them in tandem with beating on my opponents. The macro looks like:

/cast Frost Shock

of course, you can substitute "Earth Shock" and "Fire Shock" as needed.
I agree with John. I was in a group with Tone the other day, and his damage was awesome. The heck with what the forum trolls say - gotta try stuff our for yourself. :)
Well Randy I don't know how awesome my damage was but I seem to be running around 450 ish dps in Shattered Halls. Last night in SL I was hitting around 500 dps with a Oomkin in the party. But anyway I'm hardly well equiped some I am thinking that my dps could get somewhere near 700??? But not sure.
how many people have macro triggered things that set stuff off in order? some warlocks were telling me about macros that you set and all your curses/instants can go off just with that one button and a few clicks. Tone do you use macros to make stuff easier with your shammy?
My Shaman is doing OK. I'm enhancement until maybe 60 when I can start getting some elemental gear. At that time I'll re-evaluate and see which way to go. As enhancement, it was boring and frustrating until I get Windfury. That helped for a little while, but 35-40 was pretty slow going. It's like playing a warrior who all you do is autoswing. At 40 and 41, things got a whole lot better with dual weild and Stormstrike. That really kicked things up a notch and it looks like smooth sailing until at least 50.
Seriously, what you described is exactly how I feel like with my enhancement shaman. She has been sitting at 30 something for a long time. I go back and toy around with her for a short bit now and then but I always feel a bit frustrated by two things: too mana inneficient and too much auto-attack.
I'm leveling my enhancement shammy with Shuranda's mage and enjoying it. The challenge is getting and holding aggro after Shuranda has pulled witha frostbolt. Shammies are not the class to play for those who like bashing buttons to activate cool tricks. They support the group and fill holes where needed.

On a side note, I saw a video on youtube of a well-equipped lvl 60 elemental shammy duelling some friends. In two different duels he critted for over 25,000! I'll try to find the video, or just search youtube.
I'm leveling my enhancement shammy with Shuranda's mage and enjoying it. The challenge is getting and holding aggro after Shuranda has pulled witha frostbolt. Shammies are not the class to play for those who like bashing buttons to activate cool tricks. They support the group and fill holes where needed.

On a side note, I saw a video on youtube of a well-equipped lvl 60 elemental shammy duelling some friends. In two different duels he critted for over 25,000! I'll try to find the video, or just search youtube.

I remember the video, it was actually on one of the PTR's and what they did is the person dueling the shaman allowed himself to get 10 stormstrike debuffs stacked from other shamans (he was flagged PvP) then fought the one who then crit him for the 25,000.
Yeah I use a ton of macros for my shaman. I have totems set up so I just have to push one button to drop all four. I also have a button set up to cast my Nature's Swiftness (instant cast of any spell under 10 secs) then cast highest rank Healing spell. I'll link you where I found these. Macro