server down??


New Member
Anybody else having problems connecting? blizz homepage says it's up, but it won't let me connect and when it does I get stuck at "authenticating". Obviously my connection works. :D Anybody else stuck?

Edit: I finally got in, the login servers must have been acting up because I couldn't log into blizz webpage anymore.

Anyway, move along, nothing to see here, these aren't the droids you're looking for... :)
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yeah, i'm not even getting to authenticating now, just "Unable to Connect"

I don't pay $15 a month for Blizz employees to eat too much turkey and fall asleep while I can't get online! Fix my server noobs!
lol hey tree!
i know, i just messed with my computor system! to try to fix something thats not broken! ARG blizz!!! I think blizz needs to l2f, LEARN TO FIX!