Screen recorders?


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader
Does anyone know of any good free screen recorders for the computer? I'm looking to take some videos of me and Tojer's and upload them to youtube as well as some of my other games I play! What do you all recommend?
O! B! S! O! B! S! O! B! S!

Open Broadcaster Software is the only recorder I use now, and it kicks buttons. You can capture straight from apps, from external devices, or simple screen capture. You can stream to Twitch.TV or output to local file. It supports overlays, scene switching, multiple audio-in options, on-the-fly downscaling (say you're operating 1080 and wanna record/stream 720 for better performance; it does that, and it does it well) and so on. It's great.

It's also, as the name suggests, open source. Gotta love that price tag and community support. :D

I used it this morning to record a pair of brief videos from Phantasy Star Online 2 even. (Shameless plug.) Take a peek:


These are videos of me playing in 1080 that were downscaled to 720 and captured at 30fps (instead of the 60fps I play at) in order to maximize fluidity of recording (since I don't trust my hardware to both play and record 1080p at 60fps, especially not when both processes require use of the same hard drive).

Edit: Looks like you can only include one video per post. Heh. Here's a
link to the other if you want to see it too.
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Oh wow, thanks Kendrik! I think I will download that one too since I tried to record a match in the new MK 9 with Bandicam, and it cut the frame rates in half and started lagging the game like you wouldn't believe. So perhaps your screen recorder might be better for MK 9. I did take a video with Bandicam with another game and it worked great, so I'm going to keep both screen recorders. Here's a video of me playing osu! I just started to play the game on PC. I'm much better at the I Pad version of the touch screen game, but I'm sure with enough practice I can get better at this too :P
This one seems like it's a little bit harder to record than Bandicam. I wasn't able to figure out how to start recording with it even though I click the button start streaming, nothing happens. Not sure how to work this one. I like Bandicam because it was so easy lol.
Once you get the hang of it, it's not too bad. It has a ton of options, though, so it isn't the easiest thing to set up and run; you're right about that. It does seem to perform a lot better than other apps I've tried (haven't tried Bandicam, though). Unfortunately, what quick start guide I saw in the brief moment I spent on Google was mostly helpful for streaming to Twitch. If you want, I'll try and write up a guide later for you.
I have a lot of trouble understanding complicated things even when things are written down. I can't even begin to tell you how long it took me to figure out how to add songs in Stepmania even with very basic instructions. Yeah, I'm really that bad. lol. It probably took me even longer to learn how to make stepfiles and share them. I think it's part of my learning disabilities. I think I may just stick to Bandicam for now. Also, that Osu! video I shared was not very impressive. This video is much better. :)
Thanks for the suggestion of Open Broadcaster, I downloaded it and was really impressed with it. I also like that it does not have a water mark, and its free. I am still playing with settings, but here is a video I tested with today. Turned out pretty well. :)
Glad you like it. I love it. Cool that you got the recording working.

I must say I'm intrigued by the game you're playing. I've never heard it (or at least paid attention when I've seen the name).

If not for the NDA, I'd be streaming FFXIV this week, but rules won't let me. C'est la vie. I wanna start streaming (or at least recording) some PSO2 runs soon using OBS. :D
I must say I'm intrigued by the game you're playing. I've never heard it (or at least paid attention when I've seen the name).

I did a write up of it here: :)

Another one that is similar that I have been watching is Banished. It looks amazing, and if his game play videos are what alpha looks like, its already amazing.. Its also a one man development team.

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<3 for OBS.

Which reminds me, I should start livestreaming again.
Thanks for the suggestion of Open Broadcaster, I downloaded it and was really impressed with it. I also like that it does not have a water mark, and its free. I am still playing with settings, but here is a video I tested with today. Turned out pretty well. :)

Wow, really stressing the video card there, bl. :D

I'm going to try out that recorder too. Bandicam works better than any I've tried, but I can't afford to pay for it right now.
I decided to try my hand at configuring OBS to record gameplay to a file on my hard drive and this was the result:
