Active Member
Man I messed up last night. I love the AH and I hate it some times. I was buying low and selling high this past week to store up a little cash towards my mount fund, when 1 bad move erased all my work.
I went to buy a stack of mageweave cloth...I was scanning the prices and saw one for 45s so I bid on it and went looking for something else when I noticed that all of the sudden I had no cash left!!! I went back through the bids and found out I bid 45gold!! on a stack of mageweave
I petitioned a GM and sent the seller an email asking to cancel the auction due to my error. Blizz wrote back that they were sorry but could not reverse auction bids. I have yet to hear from the seller. Late last night the auction finished and I won my mageweave....blah
Anyways, I am pretty upset. That was almost all my cash on this server. I am posting this mainly to warn people that anyone can make these mistakes so be careful in the AH. I have spent countless hours in the AH and still made a newbie mistake. So be comforted if you fell for one of these bogus high priced bids as well.
I went to buy a stack of mageweave cloth...I was scanning the prices and saw one for 45s so I bid on it and went looking for something else when I noticed that all of the sudden I had no cash left!!! I went back through the bids and found out I bid 45gold!! on a stack of mageweave

I petitioned a GM and sent the seller an email asking to cancel the auction due to my error. Blizz wrote back that they were sorry but could not reverse auction bids. I have yet to hear from the seller. Late last night the auction finished and I won my mageweave....blah
Anyways, I am pretty upset. That was almost all my cash on this server. I am posting this mainly to warn people that anyone can make these mistakes so be careful in the AH. I have spent countless hours in the AH and still made a newbie mistake. So be comforted if you fell for one of these bogus high priced bids as well.