SC64? o_O


New Member
I was searching through google and there was a game called StarCraft64..thats nuts..I never new there ever was a SC 64.....if you guys tried it, was it any good?
I heard it was terrible, imagine trying to play starcraft with a controller

I've played it, very bad game. Good idea, but still very bad.

Graphics are worse than PC version. Units have limited or no voice commands. Cinematics are pictures with alot of words. 2 players battle kinda bad, you can see your own opponents screen(split-screen). Music is limited. Making mass units creates major lag.

Controls are cude, but ok. The yellow buttons are the units commands(move, attack, patrol, stop), B & A are the cancel & action buttons. Joystick is your map movement(like a mouse, but you use your thumb). I forget the rest, but from my personal experience, Starcraft on PC is better than N64!

Although, Starcraft 64 is Starcraft and Brood War in 1 game. wont be like ver 1.11 like now-a-days, I think its ver 1.07.

Besides, Starcraft specs on PC requires a Pentium 1!

I'd give it 2 out of 5.
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