SC-II Usernames

Actually, because of their latest Patch, they made this thread useless. :mad:

I hope that fix that on the real game.
I won't be posting my account name as it lists my real name; I use an alias (Isaiah Jones) for security purposes.

But I'll be glad to add any and all Tribe of Judah members in-game. We'll need someone to form a party so others can add members to their in-game Friends list.

I had assumed that Blizzard was only testing a part of the 2.0 Friends system in Patch 13 and would revert back to something reasonable in Patch 14. It seems this is not the case. We can only hope that they don't carry over this inane system to the retail release.
I won't post my email on the forums (which are possibily publicly visible).
But anyone is welcome to PM me for my address so they can add me on