SC 2 guest passes


New Member
Anyone have an SC 2 guest pass? I was thinking of getting this game but I don't know if I would like it or not, so I heard that there are 10 day guest passes for those who already bought the game to give out to friends. I am interested in one if someone wants to pass one my way.
Ok, the 2 I currently have at home are sent to Joshinator (Josh is an awesome name! Yes, I am bias :P) and Gala
Played a few hours and I realized that this game isn't for me. I can't get the game mechanics down. So looks like this is one less game for me.
I love this game so far....although playing 2v2 is so hard...i keep getting OWNED by these ppl....its driving me nuts!
I dont have any macros nor do i know how to use them. LOL I gotta figure this stuff out. Although I'm getting down protoss...and the Mother Ship! I think i had like a go 20 of the Colossus guys, and a TON of stalkers....I had 2 mother ships, and did Mass Recall. I pwned someone HARDCORE...But that was the only time I've actually ever been able to beat someone. Other than that i keep getting owned
i take this, just realized its the economy and your army, not an actually macro.... *palm to face?*


Funnily enough, when I first started playing WoW, coming from an RTS background, I was confused when I heard 'Macros' and had no idea what it actually was!