Sat. 4/21


New Member
I am going to try and get on and play Saturday at around 9:00-9:30pm cst. I don't know if it will let me play online but if it does anyone else up to play?
I'll try and come, but I'm annoyed how EA has no "add friend" option like Starcraft's easy functions.
Ya i have a netgear router and have added all those ports already. It lets me into the lobby room but after about 30sec. it says you have been disconnected from the command and conquer online. Every once and awhile I can play a game or two but thats about it.

EDIT: As of right now it is letting me on, but i dont see anyone else on yet, I am in the cga TS server too.
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Maybe if we do this (obviously another night since we're passed the time), we should meet in like lobby 20 where there's no one, add each other to our friends list, and be done with that.
Maybe if we do this (obviously another night since we're passed the time), we should meet in like lobby 20 where there's no one, add each other to our friends list, and be done with that.

Yeah, that would work.

Good game everyone. It was too bad your connection was on and off, slalomdms. :(
Ya im not going to be able play much, I have finals coming up, project deadlines, and work is taking up a lot of my time.
Yay for summer school :( . Well as of now thats what the plan is but I don't know if its going to change.
I might be able to get on a little this weekend, but don't know weather to play GW or CC3 hmm...decisions decisions.