San Jose Area Announcement

Gads! The sun wasn't even up when my alarm went off, peeled my eyes open and realized I had to get up for more than taking my am medications.... then the excitement set in! I get to bore poor Abital with my snores on the way to San Francisco. (sticks toothpicks into purse in case I have to stay awake) Looking forward to seeing people in Cali. Later all. I won't be on til Saturday- no raiding for me on Friday.
Very cool. We got to meet Icthus, Tebran, Mastablasta, Wallawinski and wife, and Mirakle, wife, and 2 little Mirakles! Thank you again Icthus for putting it on. It was nice to meet your daughter. Maybe we will get to meet your wife who was out of town and your son who was not next time! :)
(My apologies to Goblit. I ate her piece that she asked be saved until her passport made it back to her.)
Crud...leave it to you Deuteronomy. I didn't ask for much. Actually, our passports came this morning, but alas, I can't drive 20 hours in 6, not even sure I could have done the 4 hour plane ride after the hour trek to the airport.
yeah it was fun. the food was good, meeting people i've been gaming with pretty much my whole gaming career was even better.

its cool to be able to put a face to a gamer tag.

So TRUE Masta......still can't forget that spike you had through your ear when I met you at InandOut Burger.

i lost one of those! so bummed about it too.
i think its under the couch in my room tho.. i'll have to go look there.

i had some glass ones that where similar to those sept they had a curve to em. lost one of those at dodgeball.

i have a habit of loosing earings
zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz, trying to catch up on my sleep. It was really a lot of fun meeting everyone that was there. Cool kid Masta. Meeting Icthus and -hey Deut- I saw son-hahaha, where were you? He came out for food. Icthus has nice kids and nice friends. The twins were soooo cute, they show up Mirakle and mom! Walla and Gwen (better say hi for me- I liked your wife Wal! Does she do the Wallagiggle?) Sure wish Tebb played- miss Tebbybear but was very happy be able to meet him in person. THANK YOU ICTHUS!!!! IT WAS SUPERFANTABULOUSLYMARVELOUS and you are a true gentleman to have BBQ'd so much wonderful stuff for us.
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