SamIAm Introduction


New Member
I saw Alcorn's intro thread and thought it was a good idea. So...

I'm 41, married for 15 years, have twin daughters that are 14, and live in San Antonio, TX. I work for an Air Force contractor that trains aircrew members to fly various aircraft. My wife, Shuranda, stays at home and homeschools our kids.

My wife (who will be playing WAR w/ me as well) and I started playing WOW in 2005 as hordies on a pvp server. We enjoyed the endless ganking, but the guild was very worldly, so we packed our bags and moved to the alliance side on a pve server.

We started playing LOtRO a few months ago, but it just didn't interest me, so I told My Better Half that I was either going to go back to WOW or find another MMO. I stumbled across WAR about two weeks ago and the rest is recent history.

P.S. If my wife decides to make her own intro post, don't believe a word she says about me except for that "He's the greatest husband" line.
Hope we did ok showing you all around last night in some open RvR and scenarios. I'm almost positive we'll be doing more tonight, so polish your engi gun and get ready!