
Guys i will be gone for the next couple of days for a catagory 4 or 5 hurricane is probably going to hit were i live and since New Orleans is below sea level we are out of here so we know we are alright. I will be getting back on every now and then on the forums and aim but not on the game for i can't bring my pc =( so if the house is still standing i will be back playing. Have fun God Bless and see you all Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.
Good luck, Seth. I just moved out of New Orleans a few months ago and am very thankful that I did. This is the one that city has feared for a long time, I'm afraid. My prayers are with you, your family and the tons of other people I know that still call New Orleans their home. God can replace the physical things. Be safe!
Wow dude looks like you guys are going to get totaled up by the hurricane lol sounds tight....all joking, teasing, and sarcasim aside....I'll be praying for ya bro
