Roll Call and Nominations


Active Member

It looks like we need a call to arms. I would like everyone to respond to post so we can restructure.

1. Are you still playing?
2. How often?
3. Ideas for recruiting new Christian members.
4. Nominations for Guild leadership council.

I think we have an awesome family and a great spirit. We need to continue the fellowship and ministry of Knights of the Trinity.
Doh! I have to answer these....

1. Yes, I actively play
2. Daily, generally about an hour a day after work or after everyone is in bed.
3. Bible Studies attract the most members. I also think ministry and guild events like making items for newer players is great opportunity.
4. You know, I put this in there and I will have to think about it. My first thoughts are Odale, Tisket, and Galilean as well as Camm if they all have a desire to continue. There are more possiblilties these guys just have the longest time with us.

As a note, if any of the current council desires to continue I beleive they are first choices.
1. Not yet. I'm on my sabbatical. But I may return after a month to gameplay with Chivah being my main.
2. Usually I end up playing a couple of hours a night when I do get on.
3. Role play your characters in a Christian way and find a way to have your characters have become Christians. That way, you can proclaim the good news and either you will be received as a role player, or as a light to Christians. Events also tend to attract people from weekly services, Christian adventures (like the Moses run I used to do), and even crafting fairs. You might even try to sponser a dance one night outside the Abbey and have Christian storytelling and a few other fun events. Just some ideas.
4. Guild leadership council? Hmm. I will pray on that and trust in God to lead the right people to do what they feel needs to be done.

Even though I'm not in game right now, I'm still actively praying for you all! Keep up the awesome work!
1.Ya, I'm still playing.
2.I haven't been playing so often lately, been focusing more on school cause I didn't do so well last term. I think I will be on a bit more in the near future though, but it's hard to say. I'm also strongly considering giving up the game for Lent, which if it happens I'll be gone for an extended period. (and no, I'm not Catholic
3.Hmm, I've never been good at recruiting.
4.I'll nominate Icthus for leadership council cause he's level headed and on enough.
1. Are you still playing?

2. How often?
Only on about once per week on Percival.  My time is split as I grew weary of dying so easily as a Wizard in RvR and created a Hunter on a server with some rl friends.

3. Ideas for recruiting new Christian members.
More KotT RvR presence. :-)  OK, this is a selfish one as my interest in the game is almost exclusively RvR now, but there is something to be said for RvR as I believe it to be where most guilds are most recognizable as organized entities, and letting people see we're there is part of recruiting.  I'd love to see KotT attempt to take keeps as a guild.

4. Nominations for Guild leadership council.
Icthuus. He seems to be on every time I am, and proves even necromancers can see the light. :-)
1. No.....

2. Almost everyday.
3. Im not very good at Evangelizing. I get nervous by myself, conversly I do fine with other people
 . RVR is a great way to get people.  Im just going to repeat what Aij said. We could also do thid Gank groups in Thidranki again.  Im willing to bet that most of those people have 50's and need a Good home

4. I vote Chivah, Tisket, Galilean and Icthuus. They are all great leaders and are on a good deal.

LOL you called Icthuus level headed...... must have been a mistype.......