Revised Raiding schedule


Active Member
Hey Everyone!

We're going to switch things up a bit for raiding.

Tentative Raiding Schedule

Tuesday: Naxx 25man

Friday: Ulduar 10man

Saturday: TBA continuation of Ulduar 10man

Monday: 10man Ulduar

We have had some issues with attendance on Mondays for the 25man Naxx run on Mondays. Typically people are just busy with work/school/life on Mondays so we have decided to try it on Tuesdays instead. If it doesn't work we'll try something different.

We have also had some confusion with last Saturday's run of Ulduar 10man. We have put it as a TBA raid on Saturday's to let everyone know that there's a chance that a 10man Ulduar team will continue that day if there is enough interest. The WL ADD will go out at roughly the same time as the other raids (6 ST). We will try to post whether or not it will happen in the Guild message of the day. If you have questions, feel free to contact Grim, myself, or Tree.
One other thing I want to make clear in this is that our moving 25 man Naxx to Tuesday is our LAST ATTEMPT TO GET INTEREST. If we continue to have no interest in 25 man Naxx, we will be removing it from our schedule. We really would like to keep it in there somewhere in order to be more inclusive to guildies that aren't ready for Ulduar yet, but we really haven't been getting much interest in it lately. Hopefully that will change with moving it to a new day.