Returning to GW's :)


New Member
Hey guys!! I know its been a while and it was very brief when I first joined but I am planning to return within the next few days. I also plan on purchasing Nightfall as well, since I was trying to decide between that or WoW and I unfortunately just do not have the time nor money to pour into WoW.
I probably will only be around mainly on weekends and friday evenings. Since I am an assitant pastor now at our church I have a few more duties and such along with my full time job at Chick-Fil-A, and our new baby daughter (Who by the way is the cutest baby every, of course I am a bit biest :) Anyways, I also enjoy playing RTS games such as LoTRII, Star Wars Empires at War, Total War: Medevil II and mainly RPG games on my ole' GC (which I am currently wrapping up the new Zelda and going to start the two Baten Kaitos sagas hehe).

Anyways, my in game names will have Devinias tagged onto them in some form or another. Anyways, look forward to many journeys accross the many continent s.
Baby? You can't say that word an not have pictures for us. I demand pictures! :D

Kel Queen of all Europe


Welcome back