This post is about modding and gearing a newly leveled 80 Resto Druid for PvE Raiding.
Get your mods.
Go to
At a min, get Healbot, Decursive, Recount, and Deadly Boss Mods. Those will serve you well.
Now on to gear.
So you've just hit 80. You are now a LvL 1 Raider. Now what? Get geared up, that's what.
Well in one afternoon of farming mats and doing dailies, you can get your overcast crafted set to get you out of any greens or weak blues. It also has resil on it so its ok for bg's and wg if that's your thing. More importantly it's stats are adequate enough that it will get you ready to start your heroics. It's cheap and easy and disposable, yet adequate to get started.
Overcast Set
(a full 8 pieces set:Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Bracers, Gloves, Belt, Leggings, Shoes)
+ 3028 Armor
+299 Spirit
+450 Stamina
+300 Intellect
Improves resilience rating by 300 (350 with the set bonus)
Increases spell power by 527
To buy it, it will cost around 600 gold.
To harvest it, it will take the following mats:
- 84x Heavy Borean Leather ( or 504 Borean Leather)
- 8x Eternal water (or 80x Crystallized Water)
- 5 gp tip per piece optional.
You can get an epic weapon in 10 days from the tournament dailies, but you'll prolly get one faster in heroics.
Ok, heroics. Where do I go and what am I looking for?
I found this concise outline by Sevi from Crushridge server:
"You should be gearing and gemming for Spellpower, Spirit, and Int. Haste is nice but not critical, crit is largely unimportant.
Here's a list of drops from Heroics that are really nice to have.
Helm: Helm of Anomalus. Heroic Nexus, drops from Anomalus.
Neck: Necromancer's Amulet. Heroic Culling of Stratholme, drops from Salraam the Fleshcrafter.
Shoulders: Silent Spectator Shoulderpads, Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle, drops from Svala Sorrowgrave.
Back: Subterranean Waterfall Shroud. Heroic Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, drops from Jedoga Shadowseeker.
Chest: Insect Vestments. Heroic Azjol-Nerub, drops from Anub'arak.
Wrists: Plague-Infect Bracers. Heroic Culling of Stratholme, Mal'Ganis. You could also get the Handler's Arm Strap from King Dred in Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep.
Hands: Grotto Mist Gloves. Heroic Azjol-Nerub, drops from Hadronox.
Waist: Belt of Blood Removal. Heroic Gundrak, drops from Gal'darah. Alternatively, you can get the Belt of Vivacity from Volkhan in Heroic Halls of Lightning.
Legs: Kilt of the Forgotten One. Heroic Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, drops from Herald Volazj. Alternatively, you can get the Leggings of the Winged Serpent from The Prophet Tharon'ja in Drak'Tharon Keep.
Boots: Boots of Transformation. Heroic Gundrak, drops from Gal'Darah.
Ring 1: Spectral Seal of the Prophet. Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep, drops from The Prophet Tharon'ja.
Ring 2: Band of Enchanted Growth. Heroic Oculus, drops from Mage-Lord Urom.
Trinket 1: Talisman of Troll Divinity. Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep, drops from The Prophet Tharon'ja.
Trinket 2: Egg of Mortal Essence. 25 Emblems of Heroism.
Weapon: War Mace of Unrequited Love. Heroic Nexus, drops from Keristrasza. Alternatively, you can get the Staff of Draconic Combat from Lay-Guardian Eregos in Heroic Oculus.
Off-Hand: Book of Obscure Remedies. 25 Emblems of Heroism.
Weapon enchant should be +50 spellpower. Chest should either be +8 mp/5 or +8 to all stats. Pick up +18 spirit to bracers and +28 spellpower to gloves. Get the head enchant from Wyrmrest Accord - you'll want to rep them first, then the Kirin Tor in case you don't get Anomalus' headpiece. Get Honored with the Sons of Hodir for the shoulder enchantment.
Edit: Forgot about crafted items. Sadly, there aren't many that are worth getting. The Alchemist BoP trinket is good, and maybe the titansteel healing mace if you're in dire need of a main-hand weapon.
So! There you go. Heroic loot list. That'll put you light on haste/crit and heavy on regeneration, which isn't bad for heroics / entering Naxx.
P.S. I hope you like trolls. You'll be spending a loooooot of time in DTK/Gundrak."
I think this is good advice and will get you in the door of for raids.
I would add that you should be sure to really get on the Sons of Hodir faction line. Unless you are inscription, you must do this chain to exalted for the purple shoulder enchant.
Go here for more info on Hodir:
Get your Wyrmrest Accord tabard before your 1st instance. You need to wear it during any heroic to get that faction to revered for the head enchant.
You are shooting for
1800+ spellpower,
Alot of int and more spirit
220+ haste (with GotE + shaman and moonkin raid buffs you should get to 1 sec gcd).
You are also looking to benchmark yourself at 2k+ healing per sec at Naxx/Uld.
Also, look up your character at to see where you need to improve.
That's it on noobie resto druid raider gearing. Hope it helps!