Post if you know a game that is an advocate of homosexuality, with/without a short description of context.
If a character is effeminate, humorously foppish or basically open to debate if they are gay don't bother posting them.
This thread seeks to maintain a listing of games that support homosexuality by normalizing it in plot or available choices. I've singled this out from other objectionable material (language, sex, violence, etc.) not because the sin is any worse but because secular reviews/ratings are largely advocates of homosexuality and there is a concerted, organized push for it's acceptance. Christian review sites do oppose homosexuality, and should be used for additional content checks, but I do not know of a comprehensive list of these games alone. I do not wish to support games with homosexual agendas so this list makes it easy to know. To those who struggle with homosexuality my sins make me no better but I do not excuse my sins. When I fail I try again. This is not a guilt trip thread for those who have chosen to tolerate this content in their games, I tolerate some content too, but a resource to help Christians make informed choices.
The List:
Borderlands 1: A mission has a homosexual (possibly bi-sexual) boss talk of crude, stereotypical, homosexual, prison activities in his communications.
Borderlands 2: I'll just quote the writer of Borderlands 2 within the spoiler...
Fallout Series: Fallout 2 has a homosexual marriage option (I found one article where it's author specifically sited this as encouraging her homosexuality as a young girl). Fallout New Vegas' has some flirting options with the "confirmed bachelor" perk as well as some gay NPCs. I've not confirmed it with any of the others in the series as yet.
Gone Home: A lesbian romance is a large part of the plot.
Guild Wars 2: Depicted in some of the Sylvari and Green Knight story lines.
Heroes Rise: The Hero Project: Has the option to be straight or gay.
The Longest Journey: A prominent homosexual couple runs your boarding house.
Metal Gear Solid 2: In MGS2 Vamp's bisexuality as well as his relationship with Scott Dolph is told through codec communications. While you have to look for it this back story gives insight into Vamp and Fortune's, Scott Dolph's Daughter, friendship.
Metal Gear Solid 3: MGS3 is more upfront with Volgin and Major Raikov's relationship factoring slightly into the plot.
My Ex-Boyfriend the Space Tyrant: Indie adventure game with a completely homosexual cast.
Overwatch: Blizzard has gone on record saying there are multiple homosexual characters in the cast. The first, Tracer, was shown to be in Overwatch's online comic. In game dialog denoting this has not been added as yet. More are said to be on the way but they want them to come out organically in the story.
Rogue Legacy: When a descendant is randomly generated one of the traits a character can spawn with is gay. It doesn't do much of anything but it's there.
The below games have homosexual romance and/or marriage options:
Dragon Age Series
Fable Series
Mass Effect Series
Saints Row IV
Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls (not sure about earlier games in the series)
The Sims Series
Stardew Valley
Star Wars: The Old Republic (to my knowledge it's confined to one planet ATM)
Minor Mentions:
Final Fight - sorta maybe? Read the spoiler for more info:
If a character is effeminate, humorously foppish or basically open to debate if they are gay don't bother posting them.
This thread seeks to maintain a listing of games that support homosexuality by normalizing it in plot or available choices. I've singled this out from other objectionable material (language, sex, violence, etc.) not because the sin is any worse but because secular reviews/ratings are largely advocates of homosexuality and there is a concerted, organized push for it's acceptance. Christian review sites do oppose homosexuality, and should be used for additional content checks, but I do not know of a comprehensive list of these games alone. I do not wish to support games with homosexual agendas so this list makes it easy to know. To those who struggle with homosexuality my sins make me no better but I do not excuse my sins. When I fail I try again. This is not a guilt trip thread for those who have chosen to tolerate this content in their games, I tolerate some content too, but a resource to help Christians make informed choices.
The List:
Borderlands 1: A mission has a homosexual (possibly bi-sexual) boss talk of crude, stereotypical, homosexual, prison activities in his communications.
Borderlands 2: I'll just quote the writer of Borderlands 2 within the spoiler...
Source Burch said:We also have a few gay or bisexual characters in Borderlands 2. Sir Hammerlock is gay – you’re given a quest to find some old audio recordings by Hammerlock’s ex-boyfriend – and had an entire DLC all to himself. I’m also happy to say that in Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, we confirm that Mister Torgue (an NPC who also had a DLC named after him) and Axton (our playable Commando class) are bisexual.
In a slightly-related story, Axton had some bi-curious dialog in the main game due to a slight hiccup in the writing process. Initially, I wrote a bunch of character-specific reviving dialog so that if you revived Sal while playing as Axton, he might say, “on your feet, soldier,” but if you revived Maya, he’d say, “woah – do you, uh, work out?” We didn’t end up actually getting the character-specific code implemented but the lines all stayed, so in the released game you can revive any male character and Axton still has a small chance to hit on him. After we mentioned this in an interview and some people on our forums expressed a bit of disappointment that he wasn’t intentionally bisexual, I put some more overt dialog in Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep to confirm that, actually, yes – dude is bisexual.
Now, why are these characters gay or bisexual? The answer is simple: we wanted to make our cast more diverse and inclusive, and it cost us effectively nothing to do so. We’ve received only a few negative emails or forum feedback about these characters. In fact, the positive feedback far outweighed the negative feedback – how often can you say that on the Internet – and by being more inclusive, we’ve potentially increased our audience. In the future, I’d like to be even more overt in discussing the sexuality of gay or bisexual characters (as this blog post by Robert Yang points out, the “just mention that they’re gay but don’t make a big deal out of it” style of characterization can be limiting in its own way), but these first tiny steps are still worthwhile, in my opinion.
Fallout Series: Fallout 2 has a homosexual marriage option (I found one article where it's author specifically sited this as encouraging her homosexuality as a young girl). Fallout New Vegas' has some flirting options with the "confirmed bachelor" perk as well as some gay NPCs. I've not confirmed it with any of the others in the series as yet.
Gone Home: A lesbian romance is a large part of the plot.
Guild Wars 2: Depicted in some of the Sylvari and Green Knight story lines.
Heroes Rise: The Hero Project: Has the option to be straight or gay.
The Longest Journey: A prominent homosexual couple runs your boarding house.
Metal Gear Solid 2: In MGS2 Vamp's bisexuality as well as his relationship with Scott Dolph is told through codec communications. While you have to look for it this back story gives insight into Vamp and Fortune's, Scott Dolph's Daughter, friendship.
Metal Gear Solid 3: MGS3 is more upfront with Volgin and Major Raikov's relationship factoring slightly into the plot.
My Ex-Boyfriend the Space Tyrant: Indie adventure game with a completely homosexual cast.
Overwatch: Blizzard has gone on record saying there are multiple homosexual characters in the cast. The first, Tracer, was shown to be in Overwatch's online comic. In game dialog denoting this has not been added as yet. More are said to be on the way but they want them to come out organically in the story.
Rogue Legacy: When a descendant is randomly generated one of the traits a character can spawn with is gay. It doesn't do much of anything but it's there.
The below games have homosexual romance and/or marriage options:
Dragon Age Series
Fable Series
Mass Effect Series
Saints Row IV
Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls (not sure about earlier games in the series)
The Sims Series
Stardew Valley
Star Wars: The Old Republic (to my knowledge it's confined to one planet ATM)
Minor Mentions:
Final Fight - sorta maybe? Read the spoiler for more info:
When Final Fight was mentioned for this list I am assuming it was in respect to "Poison" a character who in the original Final Fight was reported to be a transsexual. I say reported because originally Poison was planned to be female.
If you just played the game you'd never know Poison was a guy you had to learn outside of game. There were gang members, you beat them up and that was about it. Regardless I've read many different answers about what Poison is, was, and will become. Really though it will forever be ambiguous and uncomfortable and Capcom probably likes it if it draws interest (Called it. Found this interview after writing this). From my anime experience I think the Japanese find stereotyped characters amusing and couldn't care two wits about western political correctness, unless it costs them money. Homosexuality is common in their media but the game's history and "street gang" setting point to reasons other than an agenda for Poison's creation. That doesn't mean it can't become agenda driven later if Capcom wants it. Also Poison isn't limited to just the Final Fight series. Supposedly in the upcoming Street Fighter 4 Ultra Poison has been retconned into a woman.
For comparison the original Final Fight is a mindless beat-em up while a game like "Gone Home" sits at the opposite side of the spectrum. Gone Home constructs an emotional tale to deliberately illicit sympathy for a homosexual romance. It wants you to accept homosexuality as normal.
wiki said:The characters were originally planned to be normal females, but were changed to transsexual females due to the suggestion that "hitting women was considered rude" in America and the concern that feminist groups would sue.
If you just played the game you'd never know Poison was a guy you had to learn outside of game. There were gang members, you beat them up and that was about it. Regardless I've read many different answers about what Poison is, was, and will become. Really though it will forever be ambiguous and uncomfortable and Capcom probably likes it if it draws interest (Called it. Found this interview after writing this). From my anime experience I think the Japanese find stereotyped characters amusing and couldn't care two wits about western political correctness, unless it costs them money. Homosexuality is common in their media but the game's history and "street gang" setting point to reasons other than an agenda for Poison's creation. That doesn't mean it can't become agenda driven later if Capcom wants it. Also Poison isn't limited to just the Final Fight series. Supposedly in the upcoming Street Fighter 4 Ultra Poison has been retconned into a woman.
For comparison the original Final Fight is a mindless beat-em up while a game like "Gone Home" sits at the opposite side of the spectrum. Gone Home constructs an emotional tale to deliberately illicit sympathy for a homosexual romance. It wants you to accept homosexuality as normal.
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