Reserve your Guild Wars 2 Name

I'm still debating this issue in my head. I really don't know what to do.

I don't plan on re-using any of my current GW1 character names. To me, those names belong to those characters and a new character will have a new name. Yet at the same time, I don't want to release the names of my mains for someone else to grab and use. Especially since former guildies or acquaintances may contact them thinking they are me.
I am one for a Guardian I am keeping a deep dark secret too. The good part is, it is too dumb for anyone to steal.
Yea, I don't think I'll be using any of my old names either. Especially since His Traveling Monk doesn't seem to fit in GW2..
I like this for those of us new to the game. I mean, who's going to take "Melinarlia"? But I do have hopes of making an Asuran Thief named "Tiny Ninja". Maybe this can help me secure the name. Hehehe :D
I'm planning to use at least 2 names from my GW1 account. Previously Anet said that any name on your GW1 account would automatically be reserved for GW2. Now there's a time limit. I may have a problem with this.

Let's assume that many GW1 players will want to use the same character names for their GW2 accounts. Let's also assume that these players own Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. Prophecies provided 4 character slots, while Factions & Nightfall gave 2 each. So that's 8 character slots total. If a player purchased the Nightfall Prerelease bonus pack, that provided an additional character slot. Thus there's a possibility that millions of players have at a minimum, 8 or 9 character slots. I'm sure many have more than this though. I have 19. Extra slots were bought with real money. Anet isn't responsible for extra character slots, imo.

But I'm curious the amount of character slots will be available with the GW2 game when it is released. I'm hoping that the amount is more than what the beta has provided with 5. If the game is released with 8 character slots, to coincide with the minimum amount owning the 3 GW campaigns provided, then players won't have to worry about reserving their names if they are created during the Head Start and Launch days. Players wouldn't have to buy extra character slots from the start. I'm really hoping Anet is fair about this and doesn't get greedy.
I'm planning to use at least 2 names from my GW1 account. Previously Anet said that any name on your GW1 account would automatically be reserved for GW2. Now there's a time limit. I may have a problem with this.

Let's assume that many GW1 players will want to use the same character names for their GW2 accounts. Let's also assume that these players own Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. Prophecies provided 4 character slots, while Factions & Nightfall gave 2 each. So that's 8 character slots total. If a player purchased the Nightfall Prerelease bonus pack, that provided an additional character slot. Thus there's a possibility that millions of players have at a minimum, 8 or 9 character slots. I'm sure many have more than this though. I have 19. Extra slots were bought with real money. Anet isn't responsible for extra character slots, imo.

But I'm curious the amount of character slots will be available with the GW2 game when it is released. I'm hoping that the amount is more than what the beta has provided with 5. If the game is released with 8 character slots, to coincide with the minimum amount owning the 3 GW campaigns provided, then players won't have to worry about reserving their names if they are created during the Head Start and Launch days. Players wouldn't have to buy extra character slots from the start. I'm really hoping Anet is fair about this and doesn't get greedy.

Did you really have such common 2 word+ names that you are worried about someone picking the exact same one? Rarely does anyone pick my 1 word names, I can't imagine they would pick a two word+ version.
Also while I have 6 chars with names from the beginning of GW1, I don't plan on using any of those names. I much prefer 1 word names, those are what I will fill up my slots with.
I plan to create 5 characters, one per race and I already have names chosen for them. The Sylvari and Asuran names I have picked out are 1 word and i fear they are names that could be snatched up quickly. I'll be logging in as soon as the servers open and flying thru the character creation screens to try and snag my names.

The other 3 characters have first and last names and I don't think they are common enough to be taken.
I'm bringing over my main as far as names go, but the rest will be unique. I may create them in gw just to reserve the name temporarily. Most of my alts have outlived their usefulness aside from collecting mini pets for fun.
I prolly will decide what to do when I am faced with creating chars when the 3 day advanced play comes in ^_^ I'm flip flopping between using just my main, and all new names or not /sigh
I just realized I could make a warrior with a nickname we have for our cat Herman.
The Herminator
The Herminator is pretty good - but - Herman? for a cat?

*note: my office fish is named Hubert
I'm not bringing over any names in their entirety, rather, some names will be used as a surname to denote being in the same family/clan. I only plan on one of each profession at most, because the charr and asura don't interest me enough to make 2. This may change, but currently, I like the other races aesthetically more.
Considering I was the only Engris in the entire world of Warcraft on any realm, I think I'm good XD Unless I have a fan or something lol...
My GW2 names will probably follow the same theme I have used for nearly every other MMO I have played and will have "dragon" as a name theme. Needless to say I will be logging in as soon as the headstart program hits and getting what names I can reserved on day one. I dont plan on doing a two name deal like QW1 had so I am not worried about them deleting an old name, they were that memorable anyways.