

New Member
Well as I posted in the "Raid Poast" thread I hopped in a pug for the 25-man Wintergrasp boss a couple nights ago. For a pug of 25 people it only took us two shots to bag Archeron? or whatever his name is. For those that may not know there is a 10(normal) and 25-man(heroic) version which drop T7 or S5 epics. The instance itself is really short maybe 3-4 two mob pulls before the boss. Once we were there and ready to go even with 1 wipe it couldn't have taken more than an hour to do, 30-40 minutes I think.

I was thinking with more people becoming 80 that maybe that would be a good place to start farming and getting back raid practices and so-forth. Or even just something fun we could gather together as a guild and do :) Both normal and heroic reset every 4 days I believe. I'm not sure how different the 10-man is but I could easily describe the 25-man fight. So anyways, I thought I would just toss that out for an officer or to who-ever might also be interested.
I'm interested

Is this the instance that we only have access to when we have control of Wintergrasp? I always thought this would make it hard to have scheduled raid times as it might be possible that the Horde would control it at that time.
Yeah unfortunately that does pose a possible problem, but the Wintergrasp battles themselves are every 2 hours so maybe that could even be combined as part of the raid time. Schedule it so we could battle it out in Wintergrasp as a raid if needed and then when we win move on to the instance, like I said it's rather short to complete. So even if we had to do that 30 minute wintergrasp battle plus 30-40 minutes to complete the raid should still fall shorter than our normal time-slot for raiding used to be.
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I'm going through our lvl 80's to see if we can get something going. I know we have the tanks... But I don't forsee anything happening until next week. My target date is the end of the year to have a 10 man group going. So I think we are on pace.
I've pugged both the 10 and 25 man version and it is pretty easy and good rewards for the time investment. I also did the 10 man version of the Obsidian Sanctum which seemed a bit like Onyxia you do a few pulls that drop badges then the boss within an hour you get like four badges and some epics off the last boss.

I did two wings in 10 man naxx and it was pretty easy probably an easier learning curve then Kara was back in the day.
Agreed, this is a fast and easy way to farm gear. Did a pug with Arthax this week, we one shotted him.
Agreed, this is a fast and easy way to farm gear. Did a pug with Arthax this week, we one shotted him.

ok really all... I'm getting reallt discouraged with all these people pugging... do you not want to raid with redeemed?

Really showing me who is in it for the gear.
Mordos: ok really all... I'm getting reallt discouraged with all these people pugging... do you not want to raid with redeemed?

Really showing me who is in it for the gear.

but unfair statement. the pugs were being done, least by me, before we started rescheduling raiding and in an attempt to learn the event so i could tank it for redeemed. lewt, i got none. don't be discouraged, be encouraged that we can finally start guild wide raiding and some of us may have a little experience to bring back. haha! wish i could of learned more before hand!

redeemed rocks! (AND, well its grumbly raid leader rocks too)
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I agree with you on the people who go and get themselves saved to raids that redeemed is about to do in a couple days, Mordos, but most people don't do that (and some of them just don't read forums... ). As for the other raids, you did yourself say that we are doing Sartharion. If you wanted to make sure no one got saved to any other raids before that, you should probably have said that we might do something else.

Still, I wouldn't worry too much about people pugging things. Some of them are probably only in it for the gear, but many are probably just trying to make themselves as ready as possible for when redeemed starts raiding. That is why I have done so many heroics and such since hitting 80, and I'm sure others also fall into that category.
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My priority is to serve the guild, not everybody has the same priority and also there are alot of people believe the guild is there to serve them.
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at first i was like eh ill try to pug get some gear and that way i know the fights but after pugging a 10 man once i just couldnt do it.. the atmosphere is so different i couldnt handle it... SO excited that we are starting up raids again =)
I hated pugs, when I finally got Wheretoo to 70 last time I swore off pugs and only ran with guildies/friends or at least the majority of the group, and that was for 5 mans. I definately wouldn't want to worry about gettin saved to a raid with a group of people I end up not being able to finish it with or it blows up before finishing heh.
Well in response to Mordos, it wasn't my intention to try and set up pugs to go against your plans for raiding but after I posted this thread you had not posted the raid prospects and then when you did your estimated timeframe was still at least a couple weeks away. Like Good mentioned it's not an issue of us being in it for gear, personally I was looking at the ratio of time spent as well as gear and difficulty from my experience from the pug so I thought it would be something that as a guild we might be able to have fun with to get our feet wet back into raiding as well as attain better gear for a rather minimal time spent. I had no support from officers so I went for an unsanctioned guild advertised run last Wednesday like I had wanted to plan 5 days beforehand. We had about 6 people interested and fell short for healers and then we lost Wintergrasp so I called it afterwards. Like Grim said after reading your post I didn't figure it would interfere since you had planned something different anyways and in the past I make sure not to get saved if we are planning to run something. But I do appologize for any inconvenience or imposition I've caused as it wasn't my intention.
Don't get me wrong, I want you all to raid, but if we are not organized then we don't really get anywhere. The whole point of a chain of command is to make sure things don't get bottled up. I'm really easy to get a hold of, just let me know you want something and I'll see if we can get it together. or give you a night that would be good.