Request to join alliance - moved


New Member
Hey, I'm Pete, I'm a lover and follower of Christ, I'm trying to grow in my faith and to become more Christ like. My members are decent people and span from 12 to 30. We are decent people that try to spread a little of the good news throughout Guild wars.

Our alliance name is "Praise be to the Lord God" with the tag "PRAY".

We would much appreciate to have a group devoted to the Lord and would like to have more people to talk too and share our faith with. We are currently 20 members and growing, getting followers of Christ isn't a easy task.

Hope you guys let me know what you think

Hello, I'd like to join the alliance

My guild is a group of followers of Christ. We are only 17 right now. We would like to input on the praise to the Lord and to help bring up praises and prayers to the Lord. We are from 12 to 30 and are mature in the fact that we don't swear or put people down. But we would enjoy being in the bible study and if you guys want we would help with questing and stuff like that. Praise be to our great God on high.

His ways are not our ways.

if you want to invite me my guild tag is [PRAY] and our name is "praise be to the Lord God".

Thank you for your time,

Sorry I didn't see this sooner Pete. I didn't think to look in the membership request thread.

Thanks for posting. I am assuming you're in game name is "J E S U S Is Peace".

Anyone have any questions for them?
I love your Guild Name and Tag. I dont think i have any questions. At least not right now.

I do have a couple questions: I was wondering how active you guys are. I know its hard to get a lot of Christian players united together and 20 is no small feet, but i am wondering. Do you have 20 members but only 5 of them are active. That could be a problem.
Also i was wondering how many officers you had.

Thanks guys, hope to see you in the alliance!
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i love the Guild name and Tag as well. when you say you spread the good news in Guild Wars, how do you do that? do you just witness? help random people on mission? we help them on mission and witness to them along the way. i am just wondering if yall have some new cool idea. well, that'll do it for me. hope i get a chance to meet yall.
Sorry, apparently my post from way back didn't go through...

PM me if you want to do something so I can get to know you guys! Even if you don't join, I'd love to play with you.