Request for your prayers


New Member
Well as a few of you know Crazy Legs and myself will be departing in a mere 26 hours, and head off to Mexico on a missions trip with our youth group. This is one of those incredibly life changing trips you will never forget, but is also very taxing and will quickly break anyone who's not prepared and seeking God.

To give everyone a better idea of what this trip consists of, I'll give a quick rundown of general stuff that will happen. This Friday we will fly from Detroit to San Diego, and spend the day there. The next morning we depart on an aproximatly 5 hour trip, if I'm remembering correctly maybe be more or less but it's long, stopping in Ensenada on the way. We arrive in San Quenten fairly late in the evening and spend the night getting set up. The next morning we attend Easter service at the church we stay at. During the week we do various work projects, building a house, leveling a parking lot, pulling weeds, painting, during the day. In the afternoon we hold a VBS for the local kids, which is countless oodles of goodness. This is all ended off in the evening by a large group meeting and worship.

As I'm sure you all can see this will quickly drain you if you try to do it on your own strength, and not that of God. That is why I ask that all of you that read this keep our group in the forefront of your prayers, that we can be salt and light to a world that is already dead without Christ.

Please pray for our safety, that we can give our all to glorifying God. Pray for the team, that we would all be quick to listen and slow to speak, letting no unwholesome talk come from our mouths only that which will build others up. Living in such close quarters with so many 24/7 for 10 days, becomes a challenge to maintain unity as so many different personalities are forced together and sometimes clash. Pray for a watchful eye and open and mallable spirit to the will of God. God can do so many incredible things we can't even begin to fathom, but we must not keep Him in the box of our wishes. Pray for the Mexican people, they are the reason we take this trip. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of those we come in conatct with, that even if all we do is plant a seed, that they will see the glory of God through our love and that they realize He is the one and only. Please pray for all that which is beyond my thinking at the moment, that God will meet our needs when we rely on Him to be our strength, while we are merely acting as His hands and feet. Lastly praise God that we can go unto all the nations spreading the one truth, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thankyou for your prayers, and I look forward to sharing with you some incredible stories of how God has worked in two weeks.

Have a great time guys... I will pray that you are used to t3h m4x0rZ for God.

*sings.... south of the border... down mexico way.....
don't drink the water! in fact, if you sing in the shower, don't shower and sing while sponge-bathing yourself with bottled water.

j/k. I want fish tacos...

this is a great thing you're doing, toe (and you too, crazy)

I'm proud of you.
Man like a whole more 24 hours before I get a fish taco and then a whole day after that till I get a Mexican one!
Time to get ready to go to the airport after my 10 minutes of sleep. Really will be needing that prayer that I don't die before we even get there. ^_^
only about 2 hours for me.. i am sooo nervous considering the fact that this will be the farthest away from home ever for me!.. well, time to go to my flight.. bye bye.. and thanks toj!
Toe ... will be praying for you guys .... if at all possible (know you guys are gone already) but if you check back in the week please give some feedback, especially if there is some specific issues and people we can stand in the gap for !!

Praise God !!!
well, we be back.. it was a great trip. toe was kinda sick for some of it and i think i am getting what he had. bleh!.. anyways, it was definatally a great trip and i hope to go next year!
I want to come along next year! Last mission trip I had was a blast, I went and helped build a house in southern Utah in the dead of summer. 90-100 degree days and sunburns galore. It was a great time, and I was the only guy from my church that went, however we paired up with another church from california which was mostly guys for this project when we arrived in southern Utah.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Que Pasa @ April 30 2003,10:29)]90-100 degree days and sunburns galore.
<span =''>
Ah, yes, I remember my vacation in utah. Spent all day out at the lake without sunscreen, my ears tooks months before they stopped being crispy, bleeding scabs.