Report: Finally employed!


Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
About time too. Was just sitting around burning stuff in TF2 all summer. :p I've been praying for a job and I got one about 15 minutes ago. I start Tuesday working at downtown here, I'll be sending out the orders for clothing and such. It's 10 bucks an hour, but hey, it's a start. Nice folks too. So happy. :D

/Bides me time before I get a new PC and WAR. :p
Since I just arrived at this forum I was unaware of your previous predicament, but regardless I still will congratulate you on the success that the Lord has granted you in that area. And remember friend to give thanks to where thanks is due...
Thanks for letting us help you sing praises for His goodness and providing for you.

Blessings, "Angel"
Well, I had to quit the job after the first day. I felt God moving me in a new direction towards college for awhile, and in the long term, it wouldn't have of been the best decision. I shall be looking for a part-time job, but given the options, that should be very soon. Student loans, here I come. X_X

Another day, another lesson. :p