Redeemed's Roster - Gilgadoc


Active Member
GilgaDoc alert!
Here is the new Roster product hot off of Gilga's press.

This lists all the Guild's mains that the Official Roster shows. If you do not see your main listed or you see your alt listed, please reply in this thread and we will make the changes.

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Dobir hit 14 last night, so he can probably be added back on the list of engineers.
Ok so this is the last time....well for a while anyway...

I am changing my Main. I will need Razlea added to the guild (I should be able to be on for the invite tonight) and listed as my main. Make Raz my alt and remove Razzil from the guild.
Updated as of 10/29 9:30 a.m.

I think I got all the edits noted above and have highlighted in the new officers, let me know if not.

May I suggest we use Tiers instead of ranks/levels? That would make it easier for those of us who actually use this for analysis. It'll be easier to see which Tier is more highly populated, etc.
Good call, Sam. I think ewoks had made a similar suggestion awhile back but since a level 11 can technically do both tier 1 and tier 2, for instance, I just called them up to tier 2. But at this point, prolly does make more sense to just switch over to tiers.

Is this right:
Tier 1 = 1-11
Tier 2 = 12-21
Tier 3 = 22-31
Tier 4 = 32-40
Updated. Bottom cutoff moved up to rank 15 ... besides that, I redid color coding to match tier spreads rather than decades of ranks.


Seems as though there are 38 T2 and 37 T3.

Seems to me like we should focus some events for T2 (Not that I am biased of course :p )
Seems as though there are 38 T2 and 37 T3.

Seems to me like we should focus some events for T2 (Not that I am biased of course :p )

This, we are working on. But remember, this is yalls guild too. You do not need to be an officer to step forward and plan an evening to do T2 or T3 stuff. Put something on the calendar, or ask an officer to do it for you, (I am not sure who can do it) but PLAN IT and DO IT. I have also found that just announcing in Alliance channel (/a) what I am working on, can usually get me others willing and wanting to group up.
I think we have to have an officer do it for us, because I can't figure out how to post an event on the calendar.

Oh, and change the charts, I'm not purple anymore, I'm orange!

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