
Active Member
Once again we have befriended a possible guild we may be allied with; this one is a secular guild - The Prismatic Order.

Because secular guilds have a tendency to brash and "rough around the edges" we have certain rules for the alliance.

  • All alliance communication with in the alliance chat will be G-Rated.
  • All alliance events will remain G-Rated and family friendly.
Basically the alliance will not change from how it has been with Lions of Judah.

Because this is a non-Christian guild it is important that not only officers but members in Redeemed be *acts like his mom* on their best behavior!

It is imperative that we remain good conduits for Jesus to pass through to reach people who may not necessarily believe how we believe. This entails not using in-game glitches or hacks, such as using a white lion to get to someone inside a keep or other speed hacks, etc. This also means we don't poke fun at people who may not like it. For instance, Sam making fun of Durruck for wearing a dress (3rd paragraph down). If Durruck did not like that then Sam would be asked to stop immediately. We must be a light for those who are lost.

From my personal past experience with secular guilds in alliances I can tell you that they work.

Please, PLEASE post any and all concerns in this thread by Friday the 16th and the officers will answer accordingly.

We want your feedback as you are in Redeemed and your in-game experiences are very important to me and the other officers. I would hate to inadvertently put someone in an uncomfortable spot.
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If I am honest, I have also been involved in making and forming and disbanding alliances as a guild leader. In my experience, small alliances under about 5 guilds tend to disband over time. However, there is a critical mass that gets reached when you have over 10 or so guilds. People want to join your alliance. I say give this guild a chance. I have never been an alliance leader, but I have led a guild.

I think what's needed is here is simply a language rule. We speak G rated, and if you speak R, you're out.

That's all my 10 thoughts. Back to peon.
Something I posted in the officer forums the first time we started even talking about alliances with secular guilds:

me said:
When several of us were playing WoW on Terernas, we were in an alliance with many non-Christians and we all got along well. We made sure they understood up front that we wanted it family-friendly, and for the most part, people respected that. I'd hate to see us drop our alliance with Lions just to form a new one that we'll be unhappy with. I'd rather see us be cautious and be slower to form official alliances.

At the time, Lions said they didn't want any part of a secular or mixed alliance. However, we've talked to them about it since then and they're on the same page as us (requiring the things that Odale posted above).

Basically, the WoW alliance that I mentioned started off small - maybe 8 to 10 guilds, but grew to be over 40 guilds, with The Forgiven being the only Christian guild. But it was amazing that when we said that we want to be able to play with our families watching, kids listening to Vent conversations... and we wanted it clean, nobody had any major problems with that. As each guild was introduced, they were made aware of this, and very rarely did we have any problems. Anyone that slipped was talked to (politely) and we didn't have many problems afterward. I think in the several years that I was in the alliance, we only saw a handful of members that had to eventually be kicked from their guilds... and those were usually the loot-ninjas, immature 1337 p74y3rs, anyway.

ending the wall of text, I'm with Odale in saying that when carefully structured, having a Christian/secular mixed alliance is not a bad thing. Know that we officers take our responsibilities of serving you all very seriously and when it comes time to form an alliance, we will have your best interest at heart and won't make the decision lightly.

The major thing that I see us gaining by joining with the guild that has requested an alliance is that they have a small group of very structured players that seem to be very good at scenarios and RvR. Their officers say that their leader is an excellent tactician and that when everyone plays as a team, they rarely lose. He seems to be a very strong-willed, no nonsense leader. He does ask that if we join them on events, that in the heat of battle we would follow his commands. After the battle/scenario is over, there will be time to talk about what went right, what went wrong, and why decisions were made. The benefit?

We already have officers that do Bible studies (altho I've been sorely lacking at finishing the projects I've started) and PvE officers (Kutluch and Ilya getting us off to a good start in Bastion Stair)... what we lack is a solid officer group that has the time to devise battle plans and get a force set up.

The guild is made up of mostly young adults, their youngest member is 17. I'm not sure what their oldest member is. They have ~15 accounts, 12 active players, 6 "core". They know that both Redeemed and LoJ are Christian guilds and have no issues with that. They know that we may talk about scripture, prayer, or other religious topics from time-to-time. They know that we're a more casual guild. They know that we want all chat in areas that we see to be G-rated.

I think we're going to solicit feedback for a short time and start compiling data before meeting with LoJ again to make a final decision.

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to speak up. This is not a dictatorship, we want your input.
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I will gladly publically support the leaders decision in this matter. I do recall reading a passage where it is ok for us to learn good practices from people who are not Christian. If the Prismatic Order has something to teach us in the manner of the game, I would be remise to not learn. I think Redeemed and LOJ have lots to teach people through the fruits of the spirit. I personally wouldn't shy away from the opportunity but I will glady accept what Redeemed and LOJ leaders believe to be best for their members.
*wonders if anyone will notice he's not actually a member of redeemed, just pretends to be..........

I think it's a great idea, from a game perspective it gives players even more options on what to do, wanna do some serious pvp? maybe hit up some pqs? no matter what you want more people on mean more options.

just my .02
More guilds increase headcount. Increased headcount gives us more eyes and ears. More eyes and ears means we know about chaos movement quicker. The quicker we know the quicker we can respond and the obvious increase headcount means we show up in force.

All that being said, the need for each guild to follow the rules of the alliance and the leader of the alliance to be quick to correct any breaking of the rules will be come more and more paramount as the alliance grows.

All I can say is ... better you than me. :p

Seriously though, I support the decisions of our leaders and will pray that God will give them wisdom in these matters.

{LoJ}Tath said:
*wonders if anyone will notice he's not actually a member of redeemed, just pretends to be..........
Icthus said:
You know this is not a hard thing to fix....

Are you kidding? He has an alt named "Troublemaker." We should pick up on the clues and refuse him entrance... maybe even petition for his dismissal from the alliance! *grin*
Are you kidding? He has an alt named "Troublemaker." We should pick up on the clues and refuse him entrance... maybe even petition for his dismissal from the alliance! *grin*

Actually atm Trouble is my main :) when i was trying to decide which character to lvl I read about you guys needing healers, since trouble was a couple lvl's higher then anyone else I figured she'd win.

And at least you guys don't think i'm a girl lol :)
*wonders if anyone will notice he's not actually a member of redeemed, just pretends to be..........

I think it's a great idea, from a game perspective it gives players even more options on what to do, wanna do some serious pvp? maybe hit up some pqs? no matter what you want more people on mean more options.

just my .02

I noticed
The Prismatic Order has officially joined the alliance as no one had any deal breaking posts by the deadline (today).

Thanks all for your input as it is very valuable to me and the other officers and thank you all very much for the faith you invest in us.


See you all in game!
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