Redeemed Says: "YOUR BUMMED!"

the only reason i can think of him using an alt is because I filed a GM ticket, and after talking with the GM, he got a warning, but it might not be his first you know... otherwise i don't see why would he get so mad about a /e has reported you.
my fav quotes on thread:

"I have to say that shaman put out alot of damage so grats to you." (by Walle who hails Tree)

"Why do you whine when the big mean nasty bully Christian guild turns the table on you? :-)" (by Adiailind from Roadkill....know who your friends are)

"ima have to give this one to redeemed. i didn't even see it coming" (by Nehru)
lol ya i love it! and it was funny the " you mess with Redeemed. You mess with Jesus!" that was a funny one lol
we pwn like that :D
One time all three of them were on a rooftop. I landed on the hill right behind them (Behind a crystal so they couldn't see me) them and started throwing chain lightning into the crowd, they went down really really quick. :D

I won't forget last night for a long time. Lots of fun!
not sure if you all checked out their armory profiles, but the lowest was at around 230-240 resil...with one up in the 340-350 range

nevi: 70 :)
my fav quotes on thread:

"Why do you whine when the big mean nasty bully Christian guild turns the table on you? :-)" (by Adiailind from Roadkill....know who your friends are)

Many guilds are entwined with ex Redeemed members. We have touched nearly every guild on the server, horde and alliance. There are members in Redeemed who, on a second account, belong to horde guilds on Stonemaul. So these horde people who want to bash Redeemed, may very well be putting off their own guild members unbeknownst. A lot of us maintain connections with people in other guilds who used to be Redeemed members, so our base of support on the server is actually very large. I make sure to connect with everybody on my friends list once or twice a month and everybody on my friends list are ex-redeemed members. Now Erdos sold his account, makes me a sad panda. It means another friend to be taken off my friends list /cry
i say we have a routine tues night 2 hour PvP session in Ogri'la

i'm so hurt

I figure we should be doing the dailies in 5 man groups anyway. First, they get done faster. Secondly, we can make it about pvp again, on a pvp server, imagine that.
Anyone else notice that that same warlock that came and complained on our forums about being ganked, also posted in that thread about being Ganked by Redeemed?