
New Member
First off I want to thank each and every one of you for your dedication and support in raiding. To think a Christian Guild made up of few hard core raiding members are progressing and dropping bosses that I’m sure allot of people would never have thought we could do.

So now we are going to progress more into Tempest Keep, in fact we are dropping Gruul off our Fridays and Monday night raids to give us more time on new bosses.

The Guild Raid Officers are in agreement that we are going to push to clear TK then Clear SSC. You know what’s after that? Hyjal! We are hoping to get this goal by expansion, and if not we will have a blast trying.

Without further ado;

Friday night:
Tempest Keep - The Eye
Clear to Alar - Fight Alar till respawn/boss down
Clear to VR - Drop VR
Back to Alar Till respawn

Monday Night
Clear to Alar - Over and over till drop.

Here are some links to this boss to get an idea of what we are up against.


Idea of strat, Keep in mind we may not use excact strat

The movie:
Al'ar Movie
Keep in mind that this is one of the best guilds and they may not do it the same, but give you an idea what we are up against.
Range and Melee have it easy on this fight, some dancing, but nothing compared to what the tanks have to do.
Alar is all about the tanks and since redeemed has a couple really good tanks i doubt this will be a hard boss for u guys...go go go down him
From reading several strats it seems there are different veiws on what melee should do in phase 2. One says melee stays on boss for phase 2 and one says melee stays on adds for both phases. Which will we be doing?
woot! ranged cant pull aggro for all of phase 1!


everything else sounds kinda tricky, but i think we can do it.
Oh and all BM spec hunters will be fighting adds, cause having pets on this fight is no good.

and I have yet to decide on the Warlock pets... so if you are demo be prepared to not use you fel Guard.
priest are only good for healing, i really dont get why people use em for DPS..

or was that pallies?


so yea, his dps sucks, its only like 1k to 1100ish.

so yea masta, you are right, pally dps = lol

although ret pallies are amazing in arenas right now.
I think the lol was an indication of someone making a joke:P namely poking fun at the quitter who left his shadowpriest:P
i see your getting on ret pally , let me make one thing clear before you start making acusation about the ret pally. i have played as a ret pally on brug twice and they would do better if they didnt use 2 handed weapon and went to 1 handed and shield like the holy and prot pallys use.