Recruiting: Need members to help with new site!


Captain Chaos

Hello all!  First, I'm glad to see the site and boards back up and running again, and I hope you are all doing well.  I'm going to post this on several different boards, the cga forums included, so disregard if you read this elsewhere cause I'll probably cut and paste it.

Ok, a little about what I'm up to:

I recently started a new PC gaming web site, called  It is a site dedicated to all things PC gaming.  My niche will be that I will eventually be adding multimedia game tutorials, first peeks, etc. on the site as well as reviews, commentary, humor, etc.

When you go to the site, please reserve judgement.  I know that the Guru icon doesn't necessarily imply Christianity, its just meant to be a clever way to market the site.  I know that Christianity isn't the main focus of this site but it is mentioned in the site and will be even more as the site develops.  It's mentioned on the how we review section, in the meta tags, links in the gaming directory and soon to be spoken of in the upcoming "about" page(s).  I would really appreciate backing from the Christian gaming community on this, as your opinions are the ones I value over all others.

So, with all that being said, I'm asking for help.  I need help in several areas, all with the intention of testing the site, adding members and growing the community.  I need help in several areas.  Any of this help can be given very easily, not demanding much time from you at all.

Testing the site:  Just browse the site, report any errors that you may find, give your opinion and suggestions, etc.

Sign up as a member:  I'm trying to establish an informational site for gamers, and it will need help from the community to flourish.  I plan on having a paid subscription service implemented in the distant future for access to premium content, and I'll be giving away subscriptions to those that help out in the early goings.

Submit news:  There's a few articles posted on the site already, I could use some help with some more submissions.

Comment on existing content:  Every article, review, or other content has the ability to post comments to it.  Please give me your comments on the content.

Submit reviews:  I have a few reviews posted already, but would sure appreciate some posted reviews from you guys on games you have played.  I can't play them all! (God forgive me for trying!  

Post in the forums:  I need some posts other than my own so they don't look so empty.

Please send an email to if you have any comments or questions, although I'd rather you post in the forums at my site!

God bless and thanks to all, especially those that help!