
If Jesus said "render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar" and Paul had Timothy circumcised (with the intent of sharing the message of Christ's resurrection with Jews), I believe it's in the best interest of Christians to abide by US marriage laws. Demanding others recognize our own rights is usually a bright red flag that we need to adjust our perspective and priorities and check our motives.

But that's my opinion and not the most pressing issue in the immediate situation (though it's always important to pursue a sound understanding of the breadth of Scripture). I'll be praying that God sends someone in to your father's life to guide him toward a stable and wise course and, more importantly, to dependence on Christ. Sometimes children are granted the opportunity to deliver a word of correction to a parent, but it's the exception and not the rule. Even if the opportunity arises, the situation is awkward at best and could turn hostile at worst. I'll be praying that the Lord would task another Christian with that call--for your sake--but ground yourself in Scripture and be prepared to speak corrective truth in love to your father should the need and prompting arise. I'll also continue praying for you in all this.
I may have saved my dad $6000 with a $10 fix.

Last Thursday, my dad noticed a wet patch on our hallway floor. He didn't mention it because he didn't think anything of it. Friday night, I walked through the hallway and stepped in my own wet patch. When we measured it, the patch became 2 feet long. We turned off the main to the house thinking that we had a broken pipe under the house. We only used the water for flushing and showers. My dad called Ben Franklin and setup an appointment for Monday. In the meantime, some precautions that we took were to fill up one of our tubs with water and use that for flushing. Fortunately, I had stocked up on pizzas from my local outreach (either I took them or the pizzas would have been thrown out by the end of the week). So, I didn't have to worry about cooking all that much.

On Monday, I called State Farm first so that I would know what I could need to ask for before the plumber got here. When the plumber got here, I told him about a number of things we wanted. One of the lesser jobs was fixing a valve replacement I did.

Side story:
We bought all new faucets for, at least, 4 sinks. I got 3 of them replaced successfully (that's successfully, not trouble free). The 4th one I had to remove the valves because it was soldered from the valves to the faucet. I was recommended some compression valves to replace them.

The guy tweaked the valves only so far as adjusting the compressor rings. Apparently, I did it right. The rings can just be a little finicky in that they can be slightly tilted and that'll be enough to cause a drip. Then, he went to check on the leak. He did a number of things including a pressure test, examining the meter (there's a pinwheel looking thing on it that can detect so much as even a drip), and just observing the floor for spreading water. He was here for an hour or two before giving up. He did give us some advice. Aside from observing the pinwheel when there's no running water, he suggested buying a $10 water detector. Basically, you install a 9v battery in it and place one end of it that has two metal contacts on the floor that's getting wet. When water comes up, the alarm will sound letting us know that the floor is getting flooded again. It didn't take long to figure out where the water was coming from.

Around 10p, the alarm sounded. The first thing I did was try to stop the alarm from going off because it was piercing. After that, I pulled up the carpet and saw quite a bit of water. I looked around under the carpet for where the water might be coming up. Interestingly, it wasn't coming from under the carpet. I looked around some more and noticed it was pooling up under the A/C unit. Fortunately, it was up off the ground. So, it wouldn't have shorted out. I saw a heavy drip. So, I followed that up the A/C unit until I reached the condensation pipe. First thing I did was shut off the A/C so the internal systems wouldn't short out. Then, I just started mopping up the water coming from the leaking pipe. My dad eventually came out and I told him what was going on. We took off the pipe and looked inside. There was a lot of gunk clogging up the pipe. I pulled out a metal spatula I had that could go in about 6 inches and started scraping the gunk away. It didn't take much effort to knock it loose. Once it was loose enough, water poured out of the hole. I think we used up 4 or 5 towels just to soak up the water pouring out of that hole. Once it was drained enough, we resealed it with Teflon tape so that the pipe could continue to drain. I then called Wolverton Air who said that this was a common occurrence for this time of year. They offered to do a pressure clean to get all the gunk out of the system. In the meantime, we're using Rug Doctor urine eliminator to deal with the mildew and mold in the carpet because it's got a special enzyme.
I’ve been meaning to get around to this post since it happened to me June 9th. But, with trying to learn this job, getting used to the variable schedule (I go in when they need me the most), and trying to make YouTube videos, one thing led to another. I am now a Walmart cashier. Officially, I haven’t been unemployed since 2010 (so as to make sure I didn’t have any gaps in my employment history). However, I haven’t had a regular paycheck since 2003. So, it’s nice to have a job that gets me a regular paycheck again. I’ll admit that a part of me wondered if I could cut it. Thankfully, a side job where I transferred media from analog to digital forced me to communicate with people on a 1 on 1 basis. So, I’d like to think that that helped me start to develop people skills. Plus, because we used a touch screen cash register, I get to work with computers. This is especially useful whenever I run into problems with the cash register, which happens frequently (our cash register is Java based).

It’s now been almost a month and I think I’m getting the hang of the job. There were customers at the start where I felt lucky to get through the day. But, either I’m getting used to it or they’re coming few and far between. I used a back brace with lumbar support so that I don’t get back inflammation. I’m glad to get off my feet by the end of my shift. I’m not in pain so much as just sore. It’s not until I have to bend my knees that I can feel my muscles ache from standing so much. However, there are days when I’m glad to be at work because it’s difficult to get along with my dad and my sister.
I’ve been meaning to get around to this post since it happened to me June 9th. But, with trying to learn this job, getting used to the variable schedule (I go in when they need me the most), and trying to make YouTube videos, one thing led to another. I am now a Walmart cashier. Officially, I haven’t been unemployed since 2010 (so as to make sure I didn’t have any gaps in my employment history). However, I haven’t had a regular paycheck since 2003. So, it’s nice to have a job that gets me a regular paycheck again. I’ll admit that a part of me wondered if I could cut it. Thankfully, a side job where I transferred media from analog to digital forced me to communicate with people on a 1 on 1 basis. So, I’d like to think that that helped me start to develop people skills. Plus, because we used a touch screen cash register, I get to work with computers. This is especially useful whenever I run into problems with the cash register, which happens frequently (our cash register is Java based).

It’s now been almost a month and I think I’m getting the hang of the job. There were customers at the start where I felt lucky to get through the day. But, either I’m getting used to it or they’re coming few and far between. I used a back brace with lumbar support so that I don’t get back inflammation. I’m glad to get off my feet by the end of my shift. I’m not in pain so much as just sore. It’s not until I have to bend my knees that I can feel my muscles ache from standing so much. However, there are days when I’m glad to be at work because it’s difficult to get along with my dad and my sister.

I've been wondering if I should PM you, glad you posted :) . Sorry to hear about family conflicts I hope it's nothing major.

The people skills thing... I can relate XD.

Java runs cash registers, weird. Totally not a programmer but I always assumed they'd all be C or C++.
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Hi everyone. I have thought about trying to come back. But, with my varying schedule and my dad wanting us to spend every second together (let alone trying to shift gears between work and home), it gets difficult.

I’ve made quite a bit of progress since my last post. September 10th was a milestone for me insofar as my job is concerned. My 90 day probation period was up, I got my employee discount card in the mail, and I was awarded with some company pins: “Cashier Stars”, “Customer Friendly Associate”, and “Dedicated to Customer Service”. Apparently, I was getting so many compliments from customers that Walmart decided to recognize me. The thing is, my being nice was more of a coping mechanism than my attempting to emote a Walmart attitude. During the first few weeks, I was getting both good and bad customers. At some point, I decided that, either, I would absorb the attitude of the bad customers and be that way all day or I would emote a positive attitude towards everyone and try to take in the positive energies of the good customers. I chose the latter and have benefitted from it in that I leave my shift with a more positive attitude. More recently, after talking to some people, I got in touch with the head of the electronics department and told him I was interested in switching departments. Well, apparently, he was losing some people in his department and could use the extra help. The cashier department was getting more and more new people. So, I knew I wasn’t leaving them short-handed. Also, he told me that he would try to have me moved to the electronics department by the end of the week, which is Friday on the Walmart calendar. Well, my calendar is blank the last time I checked. But, I haven’t gotten any calls to say I’m fired. I’m assuming the personnel department doesn’t close until around 4pm. So, I have a few hours.

My dad is having his own problems. I can’t go into details for confidential reasons. Let’s just say he feels like he’s being attacked by the devil. However, me and my sister both agree that what he’s done, he’s brought on himself. Furthermore, we don’t believe so much that the attack is a part of the result of what he’s gotten himself into as much as feeding into his own perceived belief that he didn’t try hard enough to save mom and that is resulting in him being where he is now. As for how I feel about it, I’ve told him that my priority is no longer him or is money. My priority is my job and getting somewhere with it. As such, whatever he ends up digging himself into is his own problem.
Hi everyone. I have thought about trying to come back. But, with my varying schedule and my dad wanting us to spend every second together (let alone trying to shift gears between work and home), it gets difficult.

Hi Clinton :) . I have been praying for you guys and do wonder how you are doing but it's not like an obligation to keep us posted. I mean let us know when it's convenient lest posting become counterproductive to helping you. I just pray about things until I forget and then that will be God telling me to stop XD :p .

I’ve made quite a bit of progress since my last post. September 10th was a milestone for me insofar as my job is concerned. My 90 day probation period was up, I got my employee discount card in the mail, and I was awarded with some company pins: “Cashier Stars”, “Customer Friendly Associate”, and “Dedicated to Customer Service”. Apparently, I was getting so many compliments from customers that Walmart decided to recognize me. The thing is, my being nice was more of a coping mechanism than my attempting to emote a Walmart attitude. During the first few weeks, I was getting both good and bad customers. At some point, I decided that, either, I would absorb the attitude of the bad customers and be that way all day or I would emote a positive attitude towards everyone and try to take in the positive energies of the good customers. I chose the latter and have benefited from it in that I leave my shift with a more positive attitude. More recently, after talking to some people, I got in touch with the head of the electronics department and told him I was interested in switching departments. Well, apparently, he was losing some people in his department and could use the extra help. The cashier department was getting more and more new people. So, I knew I wasn’t leaving them short-handed. Also, he told me that he would try to have me moved to the electronics department by the end of the week, which is Friday on the Walmart calendar. Well, my calendar is blank the last time I checked. But, I haven’t gotten any calls to say I’m fired. I’m assuming the personnel department doesn’t close until around 4pm. So, I have a few hours.

I hope you get your transfer but it sounds like things are going well for you at Walmart even if you don't :) . Remember though the attitudes we should express everywhere are based on God's will and Christ's example.

My dad is having his own problems. I can’t go into details for confidential reasons. Let’s just say he feels like he’s being attacked by the devil. However, me and my sister both agree that what he’s done, he’s brought on himself. Furthermore, we don’t believe so much that the attack is a part of the result of what he’s gotten himself into as much as feeding into his own perceived belief that he didn’t try hard enough to save mom and that is resulting in him being where he is now. As for how I feel about it, I’ve told him that my priority is no longer him or is money. My priority is my job and getting somewhere with it. As such, whatever he ends up digging himself into is his own problem.

Well it's true you can't run his life for him but that sounds a bit harsh. It's a question of knowing what you can and cannot do for those you love. It can be exhausting to be there for loved ones (especially when they don't listen to you repeatedly) but I do prioritize them. Only you have to know you cannot keep them from making mistakes or fix all of them. Regardless I've always made sure they know I love them. Making money just to make money or having a career just to have a career is pointless. I'd prioritize a job only because of what I need to use it for. Helping my family, others, representing Christ and for-filling my responsibilities. A fella has to eat to live but we live to serve God. A job is a means to an end not the end goal.

As far as the devil attacking him vs him feeling guilty it could be the same thing. The devil wants to keep us prisoners of sin, whether we are actually guilty of the sin in question or not, and away from the forgiveness and hope of Christ. It's either "spend your life seeking distraction from it" or "you can't make anything better you might as well go hang yourself". NO! God has paid for our sins both real and imagined and still has us here for a purpose. He did not spill the blood of his Son so you could waste the life given you paralyzed by guilt, pick yourself up and try again!
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I don’t mean for some of the things I say to sound as harsh as they do. Back the week of September 10th when I had gotten my Walmart pins, I felt so proud of myself for having accomplished what I did and I wanted to share it with my dad and sister. When I had gotten home, he told us about another incident that had happened with his plans and it just felt like this accomplishment I was taking so much pride in was getting deflated. As such, I was just so fed up with his problems that he was creating for himself that I just blurted out, “You know what, I don’t care about your problems. I accomplished something for myself today. So many customers have given feedback about how pleased they were with my pleasantness that Walmart decided to recognize it by giving me pins. As such, neither you nor your money problems are a concern to me. The only thing that’s a priority to me is my job because I’m getting somewhere.” So, I said what I said only as a reaction to feeling deflated despite my accomplishment. I do help him pay bills online as well as manage his Quicken account. Also, I didn't mean that my job was more important than my family. I was just tired of having to deal with so many burdens.

Mind you (and I know I’ve said this before), despite the occasional irate customer, sometimes, being at work is more relaxing than being at home. I never thought I’d like this job beyond working with a computer. But, there is a certain joy in going a little above and beyond the job parameters.
I don’t mean for some of the things I say to sound as harsh as they do. Back the week of September 10th when I had gotten my Walmart pins, I felt so proud of myself for having accomplished what I did and I wanted to share it with my dad and sister. When I had gotten home, he told us about another incident that had happened with his plans and it just felt like this accomplishment I was taking so much pride in was getting deflated. As such, I was just so fed up with his problems that he was creating for himself that I just blurted out, “You know what, I don’t care about your problems. I accomplished something for myself today. So many customers have given feedback about how pleased they were with my pleasantness that Walmart decided to recognize it by giving me pins. As such, neither you nor your money problems are a concern to me. The only thing that’s a priority to me is my job because I’m getting somewhere.” So, I said what I said only as a reaction to feeling deflated despite my accomplishment. I do help him pay bills online as well as manage his Quicken account. Also, I didn't mean that my job was more important than my family. I was just tired of having to deal with so many burdens.

Mind you (and I know I’ve said this before), despite the occasional irate customer, sometimes, being at work is more relaxing than being at home. I never thought I’d like this job beyond working with a computer. But, there is a certain joy in going a little above and beyond the job parameters.

Yes we all loose our temper's sometimes and it's understandable given your situation. Just don't let your pride let it ferment as it is and keep you from coming back and telling him what you said above, about how you truly feel. People are afraid of apologies and the manly tears but that's generally what happens with true closeness.
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